Bronx's birthday

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Emily's pov

Baby Paige wakes me and Bronx up at 3 am and Bronx won't go back to sleep even after I put Paige back to bed

"Bronx, please go back to sleep" I beg

"No! not with out Daddy" he whines

"You dad isn't here" I say in a hush voice

"Yes huh" he protest stomping his foot

"Bronx, daddy Ryan is here, I that who you want?" I ask

"Yes!" he whines

I take him mine and Ryan's room and wake Ryan up

"What?" he mumbles sleepily

"Bronx won't go back to bed till you play him a song on your guitar" I say

Ryan slowly arises and grabs his guitar walking Bronx back to his bed

"Goodnight baby" I say to him kissing his forehead before they leave

"Night mommy" he says kissing me back

He follows Ryan to his room and I curl up on bed and try and go back to sleep

Ryan comes back 15 minutes later

"Is he asleep?" I ask

"Yes" Ryan says

He puts his guitar back and get in bed

I curl up next to him and fall asleep for a few more hours

I wake up again cooking pancakes and sausage Bronx is up and running to me

I pick him up

"Hey buddy" I say

"Mommy you know what day it is?" he asks

"Pancake saturday?" I say

He smiles

"Yeah" he says asking for more

"Your- BIRTHDAY!" I yell

He hugs my neck

"Is daddy coming?" he asks

I flip a pancake

"I don't know how bout you call him" I say putting him down and getting my phone and calling Pete

"Hello" Pete says groggily on the other end

"Pete, it's Emily" I say

"What's wrong?" he asks

"Nothing, Bronx wanted to talk to you" I say

"Put him on" Pete says

I give the phone to Bronx

"Hey daddy" he says

"Are you coming today?" Bronx asks

"FOR WHAT!" Bronx yells

He chuckles

"YAY!" Bronx yells and jumps up handing me the phone

"Daddy's on a plane now!" Bronx says

"Oh really" I say

"Yeah" he says

I out the phone up to my ear

"Pete?" I say

"Yes" he says

"Are you really on a plane right now?" I ask

"To your surprise I am" he says

"Your not gonna let him down again right" I say

"Last year was a mistake Em" he says

Ryan Ross's lover and Pete Wentz's baby mamaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें