Chapter 6- loss

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Waking up the next day was the worst thing I could possibly do. I would have been very contempt dying. Especially since Shigaraki still wasn't back.

I grumbled as the cold floor nipped at my feet. Quickly, I put on fluffy socks, sweatpants, and a sweater before grabbing a bowl of cereal.

" Any news, Kurogiri? "

" Good morning, (Y/n). The last mission was a success. We captured and interrogated five civilians to get very useful information on the new case. I believe we got this one, what is it that they say? We got this one in the bag? Yes. Although Tomura Shigaraki has yet to return. "

I munched on my frosted flakes for a while, thinking. After finishing it, I cleaned the bowl and went over to Dabi.

" Well, hello there. "

" Fuck off. "

" You came to me, princess. Would you like some company? "

" Actually, yes. Not the company you're thinking of...well, maybe...but yes. "

He followed me back to my room where I locked the door and picked up my book. He laid down next to me, pressing his warm body against mine. Is this 'snuggling'? I kind it. If only it were Shigaraki instead.

" Y'know, it is a scientific fact that you warm up quickly when you don't have clothes on. "

" Don't even think about it, overdone. "

He cocked an eyebrow at the creative insult. But even though I said it, I still turned and kissed him.

" Heh, I knew it. You do like me. "

I smirked and patted his cheek.

" Maybe just a little. But I do that to my friends all the time. "

" So you would fuck Toga? "

" Only if she's feeling needy, " I teased.

He shifted his body to hover over mine.

" I find that kinda enticing. "

I put my book down and attempted to heave him off of my chest.

" Oof. Get off of me you great lummox! "

" I don't think you want me to. "

He licked my earlobe, a weak spot for me, and ground his hips against mine.

" Ngh-mmn...D-Dabi...stop..."

" Hehe, you don't sound like you want me to stop. Tell me, tell me you want me. "

I pushed him off and out of my room.

" No, no. Bad boy. "

Dabi chuckled and walked off. I thought of Shigaraki as I sat at the bar. Anger grew inside me along with an appending feeling of utter doom.

" Where is he?! "

Kurogiri stood calmly next to me as I slammed my hands on the bar table.

" Please calm down. "

" I will not! Shigaraki's been gone for three days. Three! "

" You must understand, Miss (Y/n), that Shigaraki is an adult as well as a villain. He has duties just the well as the rest of us. If you are so worried, may I suggest looking for him yourself? "

I stood up and said icily,

" Fine. I will. "

After changing into my villain costume that was made for me, I started trudging through the thick snow in search of Shigaraki.

After changing into my villain costume that was made for me, I started trudging through the thick snow in search of Shigaraki

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(Not mine)

No one knew me yet so the only suspicion was drawn by my attire. But most people thought that it was some cool cosplay. I searched for hours in the cold to no avail.

Just as I was about to go back, I saw a tuft of familiar light blue hair. Turning back, I knelt beside the body. It was Shigaraki. And he was no doubtfully dead.

" S-Shigaraki...? SHIGARAKI?! "

I picked up his cold body and ran back. Bursting into the bar, I set his body on my lap as I fell to the floor. Kurogiri saw us and ran over.

" What happened?! "

" H-he's dead! Kurogiri, he's gone! "

Kurogiri placed his misty fingers on the scarred neck of the other villain and sighed.

" You're right. He's been dead for a couple of hours, it seems. "

A single tear escaped my eyes and splashed onto Shigaraki's pale face. Dabi's eyes followed the path of that tear and saw something odd but shrugged it off.

Kurogiri got the rest of the league and we all paid respects to him before I, myself brought him to the burying grounds and dug a hole.

" Goodbye...Tomura Shigaraki. "


" Huh? What was-*le gasp*"


Dun dun duuuuuuun! What happened? How did the all powerful Shigaraki die? Read the next chapter to find out!
There might be something special *wink wonk* For those of you who were asking about 6.1, I got too lazy and didn't want to write it. I'm sorry. I should've edited that out sooner. In all honesty, I didn't even put much effort into this book and I rushed it. I'm not sure why y'all like it but I appreciate it so much!

'If only "I love you" was a promise'

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