Trust Issues

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That next morning, I woke up wondering where I was. Last I remembered, I was lying in another filthy alley while once again contemplating stepping into oncoming traffic. As the fog in my head cleared, I remembered the night before. I was approached by a cloaked figure claiming to be from the League of Villains. 

I had scoffed and shooed him away, saying that I wanted nothing to do with their emo band. The figure chuckled and said in a slithery voice,

"Oh, but you don't have a choice."

Then I felt a sharp pain in my head and everything went dark. When I woke up, I was tied to a chair and pinned to the spot by icy blue eyes.

I sat up slowly, rubbing the tiredness from my eyes and looking around. A faint light shone through the curtains that were drawn over the window. Shigaraki's bed was empty, which wasn't surprising considering it was already 11 am. If I recall, I didn't fall asleep until around 3 in the morning. 

Unease pricked at my belly as I thought of the way he had pinned me down possessively. His words echoed in my ears. You're're mine...
I don't belong to him! I hardly belong to myself! The only place I "belong" is in a coffin. Wait, do I even deserve a coffin? Maybe a shallow grave. Bury me raw. Coffins are too expensive anyways.

I sighed in frustration and threw the covers off of me and got up to change and get ready for the day. I looked into my wardrobe (who knew villains had wardrobes?) only to find black, black, black, and more black. 

"This is just depressing," I muttered to myself. "Does no one here respect diversity? Seriously, a little color would be maybe. Or red."

I continued to grumble as I pulled on a pair of black cargo pants and a close-fitting black tank top and a long black coat over it. I finished off the look with black combat boots and a thigh strap that held a knife. I styled my hair in a way that would be easy to manage and set out. 

'I look like Kurogiri, wearing all this damn black...God, I am not your strongest soldier. Keep testing me and I'll be seeing you soon, bitch.'

I found my way back to the main area by the low chatter that emitted from it. Sat at the bar were four people. I chose a seat as far from Shigaraki and Dabi as possible and found myself next to a blonde high school student. She had golden eyes that held darkness in them that I had grown to be very familiar with.

"Oh! Hi, you must be the new recruit! Y/n, right? I'm Toga Himiko!"

She grinned at me with teeth that came to a fang-like point. It was a little off-putting but also kind of cute. Her blonde hair was in messy space buns and she donned a school uniform.

"Uh, yeah. Nice to meet you, Toga."

Her smile widened and she took my hands in hers, causing me to jump a little at the unexpected physical contact.

"We should be friends! What do you say? Everyone here is so boring. Except Twice, maybe."

I blinked at her tiredly, already feeling a headache forming.

"Sorry, but I'm not here to make friends."

"Famous last words," Dabi mumbled from a few seats away.

I leaned back to glare at him from across the bar.

"Why don't you come here and I'll show you what words I'd like to say, Sparky?"

I was already feeling irritated and overstimulated. No way in hell did I want to socialize this early. My eyes drifted to the clock that read 11:52 am. Scratch that, I don't want to socialize in general. People are annoying. Dabi especially got on my nerves.

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