plan doom part 4

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When we last left off
Dr.Doom got away with the mindstone and Doomsday just took out most of the hero's but luckily Thor,loki,iron man, and green lantern have arrived with a bunch of azgaurdins

Green lantern told Thor that he should order his people to hide in the ship
Thor then listened and told his people to hide in the ship
And then without hesitation he rushed at doomsday
Thor was able to get a good punch in
But Doomsday was uneffected
So Doomsday just started pumbling Thor but then green lantern made a big rocket fist and used it to punch doomsday and knock him away

Green lantern: this guy... This thing is powerful. We're gonna have to work together if we're going to defeat it

Thor: I agree but without my hammer my powers aren't as powerful

Green lantern: well maybe you're gonna need something to help you push over the edge
To get you all powerful again

Then doomsday started rushing back into battle
He was about to punch Thor
But Batman threw a flash batterang right in Doomsday eyes
Thor and green lantern took this as a chance to attack
So green lantern decided to make a giant jack hammer and he jack hammered doomsday right into the ground
While Thor shot all the lighting he can but this wasn't enough
Doomsday just out powerd them
Doomsday shot lazers from his eyes
Aiming at Thor
But right before it hit Thor
Loki got in the way of the blast
Putting a hole right into his chest

Thor: Loki noooo!!!
*Thor then proceeded to shoot high ammounts of lighting from all parts of his body*

Loki: I knew you just needed a little push brother
And I knew you are the only one who can stop this be-...

Thor: You'll pay for that beast!!!

Thor then proceeded to charge at doomsday
He was filled with so much power
He didn't even look like Thor
He just looked like a giant ball of pure electricity
And it's coming right for Doomsday
Doomsday tried to punch this giant ball of lighting
But green lantern used his powers
To surround doomsday in chains
And right before he was able to break out of it
It was already too late
And Thor was able to but Doomsday
With the strongest attack he has ever done... And it still wasn't enough to kill doomsday
But it was enough to knock him out
All the hero's and lex quickly imprisoned him

Doomsday is defeated and will be put in a stronger cage
With red sub energy inside
Lex will will be imprisoned
And all the other villain's lex hired will he imprisoned
But Dr.Doom is still out there and now he has the mind stone

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Sep 14, 2019 ⏰

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