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Helping Justin after an incident with Seth...

Helping Justin after an incident with Seth

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You pull your coat tighter around your body as you pick up the pace, the cold air hitting your skin. A few minutes ago, you had gotten a text from your boyfriend, which caused you to throw on something warm over your pyjamas and rush out of the door.

 A few minutes ago, you had gotten a text from your boyfriend, which caused you to throw on something warm over your pyjamas and rush out of the door

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As you round the last corner, you hear the familiar voices of Seth and Amber shouting. You jog forward, pulling your hands out of your pockets. You stop when you reach the front gate and lean against it for a quick breath. At that moment, the door swings open, the window shattering when it connects with the wall. Then you see Seth push Justin out of the house aggressively.

"Justin..." He lands with a thud, and you rush over, falling onto the ground next to him.

"Don't come back this time, you little shit!"

"Fuck you!" Justin spits, and then Seth laughs, slamming the door.

"Are you hurt?" You close your hands around Justin's bicep and help him stand up with you.

"I'm fine." Justin's wipes at his nose, and you notice drops of blood as he pulls his hand away. That's when you also see the other injuries over his face. There's a nasty cut under his right eye, one above his left brow, and his ear seems to be bleeding too.

"You aren't. Is there anywhere else?" You check both of his arms, which seem fine despite some bruises on his knuckles. You brush your thumbs over them, picturing in your mind how horrible this fight must have been.

"Can we leave now? Please."

"Yeah. Yeah, let's go."


"Shit, Justin. Are you sure you aren't in, like, serious pain?" Justin shakes his head as you wipe at the thin cut under his right eye.

You rummage through the first aid kit some more. "Oh... here. I found some paper stitches."

Justin just nods again, and you place two of them over the cut. You squint your eyes for a few seconds before adding another one. "Just to be safe."

Justin winces a little bit when you place the third stitch. You apologize and then pull his hand away from where he's holding an ice pack against his forehead. You sigh at the sight of the bruise and then push him to cover it with the ice again.

"Do you need anything else? Something to eat or drink?" Justin stays silent, which you assume means no. His eyes wander over your face as you take one more cleansing wipe from the kit.

"You have one more cut." Justin licks his bottom lip. "Yeah. Right there."

You carefully wipe his injured lip, holding his chin between your thumb and forefinger. "I can't really cover this one, but it's not that bad."

Once you're done, you throw it away and clear everything else up. You put the first aid kit back into a space above your wardrobe. When you turn back around to look at Justin, he is still holding the ice pack, and you glance between all of the plasters and bruises. You feel a lump begin to form in your throat, so you distract yourself with more tasks.

"I'm going to go grab us some water each. I'll be right back." You then head out of the room but stop yourself in the doorway. "You can stay here for as long as you need or want to, by the way. You know that, yeah?" Justin nods once more. "I'd do anything for you."

"Me too." He replies so quietly that you barely catch it.

"Well, I'm gonna get that water. Do you need anything?" Justin remains quiet.

Then, as you turn, you hear shuffling behind you. You feel Justin's hand wrap around your wrist to stop you, and when you turn around, he crushes you into a hug. His arms circle around your waist, and he buries his head in your neck.

"I just need you." He whispers with a shaky breath.

You immediately wrap your arms around his neck. A tear spills from your eye, and he begins to sob. You bring one hand up a little to cradle the back of his head against you. "I'm here. I'm always here for you."

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