Kali vs Kendall

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"Pete!" I yelled, calling out to him outside.

"What?" He yelled back from the shed.

"Dinners ready."


I seen him walking back in with dirt on his chest and his jeans hanging low and I smirked.

He took his boots off, then walked in the door and I grinned.

"Looking good babe." I said, still checking him out.

"Excuse me, I have a wife you know." He laughed, lifting the lid on the pot to see what I was cooking.

"Chicken soup. You're not gonna be Kenny's friend tonight." He laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"She's gotta learn to like it."

"Good luck with that baby."

I smiled and he went in the shower while I sat the kids down.

"Who's hungry?" I asked, putting them all in their seats.

"Me is mama." Kendall yelled, and I sighed.

"Awesome Kenny, I think you're gonna love what mamas got for you."

"What is it mama?"

I put a bowl down in front of her and she began screaming.

"No mama!"

"Oh Ken come on, not this again. You've gotta taste it babe."

"I want daddy. I hate mama."

"Damn it Kendall. I'm not doing this with you."

"I hate you." She yelled and I glared at her.

"Fine. Don't eat dinner then."

"Daddy!" She screamed and I rolled my eyes.

"Daddy!" I screamed, mocking her and she kept screaming.

"I hate you!" She said pointing at me & I groaned.

"Go to your room Kendall! Now!"



"I want daddy!"

"Well I want you to eat your dam dinner but you're such a sook that you won't."

"You're mean."

I rolled my eyes and Pete walked out.

"What's all the yelling about baby?" He asked, picking up Kendall.

"Princess gets what she wants again." I said, rolling my eyes at Kendall's dramatic show she puts on for dinners when there's soup involved.

"Mama is mean. I hate her!" She said, crying on Pete's shoulder.

"Hey! You don't hate mama, don't say that!"

"I do Daddy."

"Ken. No more!" He said sternly, and she nodded at him.

"Now eat your soup."

"I don't want to!" She cried and I laughed.

"Shut up!" I yelled at Kendall, eating my soup.

"Babe." Pete said to me.

"What? She's so loud no one can think straight."

"You don't have to yell at her."

"Kendall go to bed."

"No." She said and I raised my eyebrows.

"You're going to bed sister." I said, stealing her from Pete and walking her into her room.

"No mama no!" She cried, as I put the blankets over her and turned the lights off, closing the door.

"Problem solved." I said, walking back out.

She continued crying and Pete fed Messer his soup, looking at Kendall's door.

"She's fine hun." I sighed, and he rolled his eyes.

"You made her cry babe."

"She was the one saying that she hates me."

"She's two babe."


"She just said that because you were making her eat soup."

"Oh big deal."

He groaned and I sighed.

We put the two boys to bed and Pete was on the couch watching TV.

I went into the bedroom and put some of my sexy red lingerie on & walked out, straddling his waist.

"Well hi there." He grinned, looking me over.

"Hi husband." I whispered on his lips.

He moaned on my lips and rubbed my ass.

"Red looks so sexy on you." He mumbled, feeling under the straps of my thong.

"Daddy?" She whispered, and I heard her footsteps coming out of her room.

"Tell her to go back." I whispered to him, kissing his neck.

"Hi Kenny. Go back in to bed and daddy will read you a bedtime story soon."

"Now daddy."

"Okay, I'm coming." He sighed and I glared at him.

"I don't think so."

"Babe it's 10 o'clock. She needs to be in bed."

"Here Kendall sit on the couch and watch TV." I said to her and she got up on the couch and laid down, watching the fast and furious movie that was on.

"Now where were we?" I whispered on Pete's lips, connecting them again.

I moaned and felt a hand on my shoulder. They definitely weren't Pete's because they were somewhere else.

"I wanna sit on daddy's lap."

"Of course you do." I mumbled, as she put her leg between us and sat down in front of me facing him.

"How lucky am I to have the most beautiful girls in the world?" Pete said, putting Kendall's hair behind her ears.

"Love you Daddy." She said, laying her head on his chest.

"I love you more Kenny."

"Mama can you move?" Kendall said, pushing me away.

"I was here first."

She began to cry and Pete gave me a look, 'just do it.'

I rolled my eyes and got off, and straight away she stopped crying.

She has got Pete wrapped around her little finger & I'm not here for it.

"Kendall, how about you go play in your room with your dolls?"

She just gave me a look like 'get lost mum' and I grinned.

"She's got your attitude you know." Pete laughed, rubbing her back and watching the movie.

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