Awkward dinners are my favourite dinners

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Talk about awkward.

Chloe invited us up for dinner at hers and Pete's house.

Jake said yes before I could answer, and we were on our way out there now.

I was so not excited for this.

We finally got there & seen him in the yard, watering the plants with a beer in his hand.

"Hey!" Jake yelled, walking over to him.

"Hey bud. Kali." He said, nodding to me, grinning.

I awkwardly smiled and walked past him to see Chloe upstairs cooking.

"Hey Chlo." I sighed, hugging her.

"Hey! Thanks for coming up tonight." She said, handing me a glass of wine.

I gladly took it and downed the whole thing.

"Wow, big week?"

"You could say that." I laughed and she grinned.

"We've been having so much sex today. Seriously, I don't even know how to keep up with him. It's driving me insane." She bragged and I smiled through gritted teeth.

I poured myself another glass and downed that too.

"Babe, you wanna tell me what happened?"

"Nothing happened. Why? Has someone said something?"

"What?" She asked, confused.

"Nothing happened. I'm just thirsty." I lied, skulling another one.

"Ok..." she laughed, taking a sip of hers too.

"You know what? Why not one more together? Let's down them."

"I don't know if that's such a ..."

I interrupted her and skulled both mine and her wine.

"Hey!" She laughed, as I gave her her glass back.

The boys walked upstairs and Pete was still shirtless.

Holy shit.

I quickly poured myself another and skulled it while they talked and then just grabbed the whole damn bottle.

I don't know how to get rid of this guilty and gut wrenching feeling.
I feel awful.
I literally cheated on Jake with his cousin.
For gods sake Kali, couldn't have picked anyone else could you?

I had finished the bottle by the time they joined me at the table and Pete sat beside me.

Oh god. This is exactly what I wanna be doing hours after my tongue was down his throat. Hopefully that wine kicks in soon.

"So what are we having for dinner baby?" Pete laughed, smacking her on the ass as she walked past.

"Pete! Not in front of everyone please! And to answer your question, roast pork."

"Yummy." I laughed.
And here comes the wine. Locked in.

"Babe, you okay?" Jake asked me, his brows furrowed.

"I'm great hun."

"You want some water?"

"Do I want some water? Do I want some water? Kali do you want water? No baby, I think Kali's okay, I'll have some water though please."

Pete laughed and Jake gave me a look.

"You wanna steady up on the wines babe?"

"Do you wanna steady up?" I asked him and felt Pete's hand on my leg.

"You know what actually, I wanna ask Pete a question." I slurred, turning to face him and seeing him grin.

"How was your night last night?"

"It was great actually, best night out I've had in ages."

"You seen Kali while you were out? Was she as drunk as this?" Jake laughed, oblivious to the second meaning behind my question.

"Nah, she was good from what I saw." Pete shrugged, taking another sip of his beer.

"Did you have a lot to drink?"

"Not enough to forget anything about the night." He answered, and I nodded.

"Questions done." I said, turning back to face Jake.

"Random questions babe." Jake laughed, drinking from his beer.

"It's the wine." I laughed, pouring myself another.

Wow. Good one Kali.

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