Luca's first ride

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"Pete he's too little to be on a horse by himself."

"Babe, it's a pony, look at the size of it. And I'm gonna be right here anyways." He laughed, sitting Luca on the little horse.

He smiled and I got a photo of him, then Pete started walking the pony around.

"Please hold him." I said, videoing our little boy on his first pony.

"How's that buddy?" Pete laughed, seeing Luca grab the pony's mane.

"He was born for this." I smiled, uploading the photo as my Facebook profile.

"Come on, let's jump on the big horse with daddy."

Pete grabbed his son, put him on his hip and jumped onto his horse.

"You sure you got him?"

He rolled his eyes and grinned,
"We'll be back later Mumma, we love you." He whispered, using Luca's hand to wave to me.

I blew them both a kiss and they trotted off.

I walked back in the house and started to clean while I could.

After an hour or two, they rode back in through the station fence.

"Where did you take him?"

"We went to see his girlfriend." Pete laughed, passing me Luca.

We joke that the neighbours newborn, Saskia was Luca's girlfriend, she was the same age as him too.

I smiled and took Luca back inside for a shower, when Pete walked past the doorway with his jeans unbuckled and shirt off.

He had black dirt all over his face and body and I sighed.

That's my sons dad.

That human right there, that's my man.

My husband.

I quickly bathed Luca and laid him in the bed with Pete while I showered.

I took my time and then laid in bed with them.

I kissed Pete and then laid down, watching my husband and son smile at each other.

The home phone rang and I grabbed it, instantly groaning as soon as I answered it.

"Again Dom?"

"You know too well. Is Pete there?"

"I'll put him on."

He grabbed the phone, putting a shirt on and grabbing his hat, already walking out the door.

"Looks like it's just you and I little buddy." I sighed, rubbing his hair back.

I put a movie on while we waited for Pete to get back and I yawned.

It's 11:30, what the hell have they been doing for three hours?

—- 1 hour later —-

The front door slammed open and I sat up from the bed, rubbing my eyes from just waking up.

Luca was sound asleep beside me and I grabbed the lamp beside me, getting ready to throw it at the intruder.

They opened the bedroom door and I screamed, then relaxed when I seen who it was.

"Pete, it's 1 in the morning. Where have you been?"

He laughed and I immediately smelt alcohol.

At the pub.

"Were you at the pub Pete?"

"No." He laughed, nodding.

"This is so typical."

"Oh baby come on, I was thirsty after having to get that horse back in."

"Who'd you go with?"

"Dom." He sighed, taking his clothes off and getting into bed.

"This is so annoying." I groaned, putting Luca in his bassinet.

"I'm sorry Okay, but things have been tough lately."

"I know, but they've been tough for me too and I'm not going out."

He sighed and rolled over in bed.

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