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"You handled last night well."

I rolled my eyes and continued walking down the aisle.

"Back off Pete."

He smirked and I groaned, angrily throwing a tube of toothpaste into my trolley.

"I especially liked the part where you drank from the bottle when you thought no one was looking."

"Gee thanks."

"Come on, you don't have to be blunt. You enjoyed it too."

"Look it was a mistake."

"You sure about that?"

"I'm dating your cousin Pete."

"But you wanna be dating me."

"What!? I love your cousin."

"If you loved him, you wouldn't have had your tongue shoved down my throat, would you?"

"Hey! Your tongue was down my throat Pete! That's so not fair."

He grinned and grabbed a pack of XL condoms.

My eyes widened and he smirked, grabbing me a size small pack for Jake.

"That's not funny."

"Wasn't a joke."

I rolled my eyes and he looked at his phone.

"Hey, where do you get the ice from?" He asked me.

"Are you joking? In the back corner over there. Last aisle."

"Can you show me? I don't know where anything is, Chloe normally does this."

I laughed, shaking my head, and walked him to where the ice was.

"Here geniu..." he cut me off with his lips against mine.

His hands were on my cheeks and I sighed.

"Pete. This is wrong." I mumbled, pulling away from him & walking off.

"Look there's only one way to decide on this. Let's do it again tonight at the pub. If you turn up, you want something out of this. If you don't, I'll take the hint and back off. 11 o'clock outside in the alley like last time."

I gulped and he took a step closer to me.

"I'll see you there." He whispered, putting his finger under my chin.

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