Nuhta Yë Rúcina (Dazed and Confused)

Start from the beginning

All along, it wasn't that far away...

"I don't remember this place, none of it's familiar." I heard Balin from the distance.
Bilbo and I paired up.
Mom and Adad,
And the others with their relatives.
"It's got to be here." Dori spoke.
"What hour is it?" Adad questioned.
"I do not know. I do not even know what day it is." Dwalin answered.
Everything seemed to echo.
"Is there no end to this accursed forest!?" Adad shouted.

Bilbo was next to me, and plucked a thick, white, sticky, looking....web. It vibrated. Bilbo went to do it again, when I grabbed his hand. "No, Bilbo. This is what Beorn warned us about. The forest not being safe."
He turned sharply to me, alarmed. What had he done?
Soon, Thorin ordered us back together, we walked and walked. Illusions entered our minds. I heard voices. But no one was speaking.

"Look." Ori said, fascinated.
Shaking myself free of whatever illusion I was under, I turned towards him.
He held a...pouch?

"A tobacco pouch." Dori observed.
"There's Dwarves in these Woods." He said, dazed.
"Dwarves from the Blue Mountains, no less. This is exactly the same as mine." Bofur spoke.
'Wait, what?'
It took a bit for my foggy brain to register that... It looked like Bofur's Tobacco pouch.
'Then we've been here before!'
"Because it is yours. Do you understand? We're going around in circles. We. Are. Lost." Bilbo stated.

He seemed unaffected for the most part.
"We are not lost. We keep heading East." Thorin corrected Bilbo.
"And do you know where East is?" I asked.
He pointed straight ahead.
Mom went to Adad, "we've lost the sun. We need to find it."
The Dwarves started to argue.
'And here we go again...'
I was barely able to hear Bilbo say "The Sun. We have to find... The Sun."
He began thinking. Taping his head, snapping his fingers.
"Up there."
"We need to get above the canopy." Bilbo tried to tell everyone.
However, I was the only person who heard.
"I'll uhm, get them settled down while you manage to do that, Bilbo."
"Thank you, Theia."
Bilbo sighed, and started to...climb?

"What..was that?" Adad whispered. As a chittering sound was heard.
"Enough! Quiet! All of you!" He shouted.
"We're being watched." He whispered.
"Amara, Theia can you use your magic?" Adad questioned.
Mom sighed, "we're limited, dear."
"That's alright. Whatever your able to do is fine. Don't push yourselves."
We got in a circle, ready to fight our enemy. While Bilbo climbed to see the sun.

Suddenly, however we were attacked. Ambushed. By giant spiders. A spawn of Ungoliant.
One by one they stabbed us, and wrapped us up in cocoons. Our magic did no good. We were weak, useless.
I could only hope Bilbo could help us.

I faintly heard a scream in my delirious state. The venom was kicking in. Making me rod-still. And my mind foggy.
Minutes passed and singing, of all things could be heard.

"Old fat spider spinning in a tree!
Old fat spider can't see me!
Attercop! Attercop!
Won't you stop,
Stop your spinning and look for me?

Old Tomnoddy, all big body,
Old Tomnoddy can't spy me!
Attercop! Attercop!
Down you drop!
You'll never catch me up your tree!"

During mid-song, faintly through my foggy brain I heard loud thuds. 'What on Earth is that?'
They got closer and closer.
I soon felt myself falling.
'It's the company falling...'

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