Weird Building

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The Bentley drove down a street in Kansas U.S.A. Crowley was driving quickly, (like normal,) and Aziraphale was holding onto the bar at the top of his side of the car. Why were they in  America? Well, they didn't have a reason. They hadn't been to America in about 150 years. They had gotten caught up in London, and they haven't seen what has been happening down there. They really didn't know why they ended up in Kansas instead of New York City, or Washington D.C, but here they were.

While driving down the road, Aziraphale had been holding on tight and looking out window. As they were driving. Aziraphale saw a weird building hidden behind a wall of trees and over grown bushes. "Crowley, stop the car." He said, looking at the building from the mirror. "Why?" Crowley asked while slowly stopping the car for his Angel. "There is a building." Aziraphale said simply. "Great. There are buildings everywhere Angel. What is different about that one?" Crowley asked as the car came to a stop. "I dont know. It didn't look like it had any windows and I just want to check it out." He said. Crowley had been looking at him. "Really? A creepy building with no windows? That sounds like something my lot should want to do." Crowley said, looking at Aziraphale. "I know, I know. Can we just go look?" Aziraphale asked the demon. Crowley sighed and nodded. Crowley turned the key and the Bentley jumped to life fairly quickly for a 90 year old car.

Crowley turned quickly and went back to the sight of the building. He pulled into a very cracked driveway and parked next to another old car. This car was a black 1967 Chevy Impala. Crowley had known that immediately from seeing old cars like that on shows that were just on in the background while he watered his plants. "There are people here." Aziraphale said from the opposite side of the care. Crowley nodded and got out of the car slowly. He patted the side of the car gently, knowing that whoever's car this was, probably kinda liked it. "Nice car." He said simply, dragging his hand down the side of the car. He smiled.

"Come on Angel." He said, walking to a staircase that went down to a door. Lucky for them, the occupants had left the door unlocked. Crowley opened the door and winked behind him at Aziraphale as he did so. Aziaphale had looked scared, so Crowley's wink made him even more scared and less scared at the same time. Sometimes Crowley is reassuring, but other times he wasn't. Crowley held the door open for Aziarphale and watched as the angel walked in slowly. Crowley came in after him and saw his angel frozen at the railing. There was a person sitting at a table at the bottom of the stairs. He was wearing a red flannel with a black shirt underneath. From what Crowley could see, he was wearing jeans and brown boots. He had messy light brown hair that looked like it had been styled to be messy. They could see a bit of his eyes from on the platform, so they could see the sparkling green coming from his eyes. He was reading a book while drinking a bottle of beer. Not a very good combination if you ask Aziarphale.

"Hey Sammie. How was your run?" The man asked from the table. He hadn't looked up from the book he was reading. Crowley and Aziraphale had exchanged looks before Aziraphale had pointed to the door, probably to leave, but Crowley shook his head no and stated down the stairs. "Sam, answer m-" The man stopped talking when he saw the two me walking down the stairs. Crowley ran a hand through his bright red hair and took off his glasses. "Hey man." He said, sounding quite annoyed, when in reality he wasn't really.

The man had pulled out a gun and was pointing it at Crowley. "Who are you?" He asked simply. "Hello! I am Aziraphale, and this is my friend Crowley." Aziraphale said from higher on the steps. "Dean." Said the man while walking around the table near them. "Hi Dean. We didn't mean to intrude, that much, but here we are. We will leave now if you would like." Crowley said with a smile. Dean looked down to the ground and pit the gun down. He motioned for them to sit down at the table. Crowley looked at at Aziraphale and smiled a toothy smile.

They sat down at the table opposite Dean and looked at him. Dean had been leaning back in his chair until now. Now he was hunched forward over the table with his hand resting on the hand gun that had been pointed at the supernatural beings a few seconds ago. "Okay. Tell me who you are." Dean said simply. Aziraphale looked at Crowley. "Like he said, I am Anthony Crowley and he is Aziraphale Fell. We have not come to harm you or who ever Sam is, unless you hurt us." Crowley said leaning back. "Miracle me a bottle of wine please Angel." Crowley finished, looking to his Angel. Aziraphale sighed and snapped, making a bottle of wine land in Crowley's hand. "Thank you." Aziraphale hadn't really miracled him a bottle of wine out of nowhere. There was a bottle in the Bentley that was close enough to be miracled into the building.

Dean seemed to shoot up from the table unexpectedly and grabbed a weird looking knife from under the table like he knew this was coming. The knife was long and slender. It was silver and seemed to be pointy.

Hello everyone! This is my first story that isn't Aphmau! I really hope you enjoyed the first chapter and hope you will come back for the next one. Goodbye every people<3

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