2. Oreientation

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Daisya came into the room. He glanced around. “Hey Allen.” I smiled at him. I pointed a hand to the red head.
“That’s Lavi.” Lavi grinned wrapping an arm around the boy shoulders.  I was pretty sure he had no idea of what personal space was.  Stage whispering he said, “The monster behind the wall is Kanda.” Daisya blinked. It was apparent he hadn’t noticed the other boy.
“How did you get a sword on campus?” He asked. Lavi and I turned to see that above his bed was indeed a mounted sword.
“None of your business.” Kanda growled. Daisya walked into the room. The last bed was the one between mine and Kanda’s.
“It is my business if it is in my room.” Daisya pointed out. Kanda moved in a blink of an eye. One moment he was laying flat on his back, the next he was standing before the short boy sword in hand. It was even more impressive since he only had about a foot of space between his bed and the celling.
“This is Mugen. You do not touch her, you do not look at her, you do not say anything about her being in this room. Understand.” His face was less than an inch from the shorter boy.
“Her?” Daisy asked. Then snorted. “Sounds like you have some relationship with her.” He added. Kanda growled at him flipping the sword to cut at the hat. Daisya moved just in time the sword swiped through only air. Daisya laughed. Kanda was back on his bed.
Lavi looked at me. “That was hot.” He mouthed. I nodded. Before I realized what I had just agreed to. Lavi laughed, smacking me on the back.
I moved to my wardrobe. It took me all of five minutes to unpack both bags. Everything fit into the small wardrobe and smaller dresser beside it. I put the desk under my bed as it was close to the celling. Lavi’s too was high enough for him to put his desk under his bed. Daisy’s was the only one at regular height. His desk, dresser and wardrobe was between our beds. This left a lot of space in the center of the room. The three of us placed our wardrobes there back to back to leave as much space as we could in the small room.
“That’s all you brought?” Daisy asked looking at my meager belongings.
“That’s all I own.” I said. He looked shocked.
“Hey guys.” Turning I saw Lenalee standing in our door way.
“Hey Lena!” I greeted.
“What are you doing here?” Lavi demanded.
She smiled at him. “ It appears my room is just across the hall.”
“You're pretty.” Daisya stated. In fact she was. Her heart shaped face and large eyes made for the perfect combination to gaze upon. She just wasn’t my type, too innocent. I glanced toward Kanda. He was determinedly ignoring us.
Lavi had introduced the pair. The three were chatting by the door. I took that moment to open the purple folder I had been given as a welcome packet.
“Hey there’s a tour of the campus that starts in 10 minutes. You guys want to go?” I asked. “It ends just in time for us to get to the orientation seminar.” I added. Lavi, Lenalee and Daisya agreed. As we headed toward the door I looked back at Kanda.
“You want to come?” I asked. He snorted.
“ not hanging out with you worms.  I heard him mutter.
“He won’t leave his girlfriend, Mugen!” Daisya teased.
“Whose Mugen?” Lenalee asked innocently.
“Never mind.” I stated as I joined them in the hall. I closed the door. Feeling bad for leaving the other boy in there alone, no matter how bad he acted. At the home I was raised in I was always the one to get the new kids up to speed on the house. I hated leaving anyone alone. *I will figure out why your like this Kanda.* I vowed to myself.
The four of us met the group in the campus  enter. We gathered at. The end of the crowd huddling around two older students. The boy before us informed us that they would be taking us around a walking tour of campus. He walked backward out of the building. The girl waited for us to exit then walked at the back of the group. The tour showed us where we could eat, the different housing building, medical stations and various class rooms. There was a gym with work out area, pool and basketball court. Outside was a baseball field next to the football field. Daisya was very excited about the soccer field. He explained he was here on a scholarship to play the sport. We all agreed that we would come to his games.
At one point I saw Kanda walking around. I thought he might be just out looking at the campus himself, yet once I noticed him it was like he was everywhere. The first I saw him was by the gym. Then we had gone to the Village, which is what they called the apartments that the older students could get. Kanda was there lurking around a corner. He was there at three of the classroom buildings. *why doesn’t he just join the tour?* I thought. Shrugging it off as we re- entered the campus center. This was where the main study areas were, the main cafeteria and billboards with general or specific school information on it.
It was also where Komui assaulted us again. He came from nowhere to pounce on poor Lenalee. Kanda came from around the corner but hesitated when Lenalee said he was her brother. Instead Kanda shrugged walking into a nearby room, which turned out to be the student hall we all had to be in for the seminar.
The seminar was pretty boring. There was a few bright spots but mostly just telling us the history of the school. There were a lot of clubs or groups we could join, but the four of us thought it best that we see how the semester went.
After that we ended up getting split. Lenalee and Daisya were in a different group than Lavi and I. Looking around I found that Kanda was with us as well. Taking Lavi’s sleeve, I moved us closer to the other boy. Kanda glared at us.
“Look whose here.” Lavi grinned at the handsome glare.
“Go away.” Kanda growled as he folded his arms across his chest.
“Nope, we are all going to be friends.” I told him with a face splitting grin. Snorting Kanda moved away from us. Reaching for Lavi, I found us grasping hands. He had gotten the clue, I was going to stick near Kanda. When the other had moved, Lavi had reached for my arm at the same time. I smiled letting go of him. We positioned ourselves directly behind the taller boy.
Now we were set to go to different classes on what the college had to offer. There was a class on security, meal plans, financial aid help, and much more. It took over four hours to get through everything. We ended up by the mailboxes. I stared at the key in my hand. There was no one to send me any mail. Pocketing it I turned to find Kanda right behind me.
“We have to go get our student ID’s.” he stated. Spinning he stalked away. Lavi gripped my arm as we followed. Heading back to the campus center there was now a line of students waiting to get their pictures taken. Kanda got in line. Lavi pushed me away to get behind him. Just as I took a spot behind the red head I was shoved hard.
I fell into Lavi who grabbed Kanda for support so we didn’t all fall to the ground. Kanda steadied the red haired boy. ‘Watch what you re doing!” he demanded. I heard laughter from behind me.
Looking back, sure enough there was Daisya. He bowed to Lavi.
“You are so welcome, my prince.” He joked.

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