"Chinami, Does Lord Kazekage know you're leaving?" He said stepping closer to me as I tried to hide my arm from his view pushing pass him.

"I don't think he cares if I do its fine I'm heading home" He called after me, but I continued running. It's better for the Sand Village if I wasn't around. No one wants me around anyway and I don't know if the Leaf Village is even different. 

I like having Raiju as a friend, but his powers are a burden to me. How's does Naruto put up with the Nine Tails?

What was my training for if part of it isn't helping me? 

Look at Kakashi's life I ruined that too when he had to raise me. No it's my father's fault he ruined his life and mine, but he died to protect me, so I can't hate him or blame him. 

Why does this have to be my life? Both my parents are dead and I'm carrying a burden that's also burdening those around me? 

"Why can't I have died too? Why did you leave me to deal with this alone...Dad" I collapsed in the sand staring up at the night sky as I began to cry. I heard footsteps and slowly sat up looking behind me to see the guy with hair the same color as mine. 

Gasping I noticed he was the guy from my dream, but I also felt as if I already knew him. 

"I didn't leave you alone technically...I was just always watching from a distance" He chuckled as my eyes widened. He can't be there's no way that he's my father. 

"Master you shouldn't carelessly approach her while she's in a state such as this" Before I could turn around to see who was behind me I was hit in the back of the head causing me to pass out. 

I let my guard down in that moment. 

~Nagashi's pov

I had been watching her rather closely for the past few weeks. My daughter, you remind me so much of your mother. I promised to protect you, but only for a second I must betray you. I must go against your mother's wishes in order to do that. 

She noticed that someone had been watching her during her mission, however, we were well hidden from her view. Following them back to the Sand Village undetected I was able to sneak in seeing that she was talking to the girl that she had completed the mission with. 

After that happened I pulled the girl in an alleyway. I pushed her against the wall covering her mouth to keep her from alerting any of the nearby guards. 

"Let's make this smooth and quick...I'm not here to hurt you or anyone in the village. I'm the father of Chinami and I just want to take her back with me. No harm is coming to her either" I mentioned as I can feel her relax in my grip. 

"Why would I risk helping an Akatsuki member? What's in it for me?" She asked smirking. 

"I can tell you don't like her and also that you want her away from your Kazekage. If she's gone then you don't have to worry and we won't harm your Kazekage again. Just get her out of the village and I'll collect her" I turned around as I dropped a bag of cash on a barrel next to her.

I jumped up over the wall behind a guard that was walking pass quickly jumping down over the other side undetected. I made it back to Urata to inform him of the plan as it was going well so far. I'm sure the girl will hold up her end of the plan. 

"Could you please inform me on why you decided to take your own daughter to the Akatsuki?" Urata asked curiously. This does sound crazy since I was supposed to be keeping my distance as I protected her, which is why I joined the Akatsuki willingly in the first place. 

"A deal... I made a deal that if I bring her to the Akatsuki peacefully then they'll either make her join for use of her powers or either they'll extract the beast without it harming her in anyway" Urata looked at me worriedly.

"And you believe they can extract the beast without killing her but what if they can't... What if it's just a trick to get you to do what they want because they know you'll protect her at all cost" I glared harshly at him. 

"Then I'll protect her with my life surely they know that I burden her with this beast and I know its causing her to make a lot of sacrifices" I started wishing I had something to punch right now. "I'm making sacrifices too dammit and becoming a memeber of the Akatsuki is one of them" I put her first before anyone else after her mother died and after I left her with my brother. 

My whole family was taken from me, which left me with nothing, so how could I not hope her to have a better life. I want her to find someone she loves and be happy with a family. I want her to have the things that I couldn't. 

"If me being an Akatsuki member means she can have a better life after the beast is extracted then that's what'll happen" I felt that he was still unsure about this and that he disagreed, but this is my only chance to hold her again. 

No one understands what I felt all these years. 

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