-Chapter 23-

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Irene pov
I had woken up in the middle of the night feeling the need to go to the bathroom. As I was making my way back to Byul's room I stopped and the thought of the way Solar was looking at Byul earlier just fueled me to make her even more jealous. I won't make this battle easy for her she'll have to get through me first.

After the call I felt victorious that Solar was angry. "Joohyun?" I hear Byul's soft raspy voice and turn to see her with her eyes barely opened. "Hey." I say softly making my way towards her as she opens her arms. I hug her and hurry my face in her neck letting myself relax in her arms. "What are you doing up at this time?" She asks swaying us around a bit and I felt myself get sleepy. "I just needed a drink of water." I mumble against her neck and I hear her giggle. "Don't do that it's tickles!" She says and I leave a kiss as she laughs and I couldn't help, but smile.

I continue to leave small kisses on her neck as she laughs and tries her best to pull back, but I wouldn't allow her too. "Stop!" Moonbyul says with a wide smile and I finally stop and look to her wiping her tears away from laughing. "Come on lets go to sleep." She says with a small smile and grabs my hand as she pulls me towards her bedroom. She's first to lay down, but I quickly join her and cuddle up to her. "Goodnight." I mumble and drift off to sleep.

I feel a weight on me and I slowly open my eyes to see Moonbyul cuddling up to me with her mouth slightly open making me smile. "Byul." I call out to her softy, but she wasn't moving and I so I poke her nose and I watch as she cringes her nose with a slight frown on her face. "Wake up sleepyhead." I say playing with her hair as she groans and hides her face in my neck like I had done last night. "I want to sleep just give me 5 minutes." She mumbled and I couldn't help, but chuckle at how much of a little kid she was. "Okay." I say and playing with her to see her drift off to sleep again.

I played with Byul's hair for five minutes until I decided it was time to wake her up so I could cook us breakfast. "Byul wake up your five minutes are over." I said sternly and pat her cheek and she whines. "Get up and I'll make breakfast." I say and get out of her embrace and make my way to the kitchen until I decide to tell her my plan. "We're going on a date so you better be ready once I enter the room again." I say before leaving and begin to cook. "But what are you gonna wear?" I hear her ask from behind and I smile widely. "Your clothes." I simply state as she stares at me with an eyebrow raised. "Fair enough I'll be ready soon." She says and makes her to her bedroom.

I decided to make pancakes with bacon on the side and some orange juice. I walk to byul's room and open the door to see her shirtless and I felt my face heat up as I clear ,y throat to get her attention. "Breakfast is ready so hurry up you turtle." I say and quickly go to the kitchen to eat and wait for Moonbyul. "Ahh this looks delicious!" Byul exclaims and takes a seat next to me. "Well I hope you enjoy it." I say and take a bite of my pancake as she nods her head excitedly and I hid my smile.

After we finished eating we both took our time to wash the dishes together. "So we're are we gonna go for our date?" Byul asked as we finished cleaning and we sat on the couch. "I thought maybe we could go the amusement park if that's okay with you." I say nervously, but once I saw her eyes light up I knew I made the right choice. "That's definitely okay with me!" She said excitedly and I hid my smile again hoping she didn't see me smile. "Okay well I'll just change and we can go." I say and walk to byul's room to get an outfit for the date.

I pick a simple outfit and make my way to the living room to see her watching tv and laughing quietly. "You ready?" I ask with a smile and she nodded her head excitedly, but then I realized that people are gonna recognize us. "What's wrong?" Byul asks gently putting a hand on my back. "We'll be recognized and people will start taking pictures of us." I say with a frown, but I feel Moonbyul leave a quick peck on my cheek. "Then let them we'll just enjoy our date and ignore them!" Byul said and I knew she was right. "Well its time to let our relationship be know to the world." I said even though a part of me was scared, but I knew I could do it if Byul was by my side. We'll get through this together and figure out what we want.

I'm very sorry for the late update I've been busy with school considering it's my last year. Anyways I'll do my best to update when I can, but please just be patient with me and thank you for being patient. I'm very glad to know you guys are enjoying my story, but I was thinking of making a group chat in Twitter and talk about girl groups and all the gay activity if that's okay with you guys! So let me know if I should make it! Enjoy the show and have and have a good day!

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