The Dreaming Child

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The child dreamed

dreamed of life as a princess

with a tiara 

that sparkled of a thousand gems

a pretty lilac dress

that flowed onto the ground with elegance

Her wispy brown hair

encased her lively face

and sparkling eyes

every time she talked of life

life as a princess

everyone around her would become saddened

and said "foolish girl"

Day after day she dreamed 

even as her skin became deathly pale

and her hair clumped to her face

that would scrunch up in pain

as sweat trickled down her forehead

and her breathing became labored

But the foolish child still dreamed of a life

life as a princess

but even with dreams

reality came hard 

as her heart finally gave up

and mourning relatives gathered around her grave

      Hope you guys loved this little bit of sadness, originally it wasn't supposed to be this sad, but you know, you go with the flow. : )

      Remember to vote and comment if you liked it. Luv ya!

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