"Any other meetings I have to attend to today?" I entered my office and sat on my seat

"You have a meeting at 4'o clock with Royale magazine. Other than that, you have some documents to sign and designs to look at"

"Ok thank you" she turned to leave "by the way Kim, stop calling me ma'am. I already told you"

"Yes ma...I mean Dawn" she blushed before leaving

Time flew by with so much work. I was replying to an email when dad came to my office

"Princess" I went and hugged him before resuming my work

"Sorry I couldn't come greet you this morning dad. I had so much work to do" he sat opposite me

"That's ok, I understand. I hope the work is not too stressful" I shook my head, typing fast on the keyboard "Anyway, I came to remind you of the meeting with the Chinese investors"

"I'm aware dad. Don't worry, I won't disappoint you" he got up to leave

"I know you won't. Love you princess"

"Love you too dad" I completed the email and just in time, Kim came and we went for a meeting.

The meeting went on for two hours. I was a little distracted at first, being so close to Ash and all.  I could feel the heat radiating off his body but, I quickly composed myself

"Congratulations Mr Norman. Miss Clemonte. We're looking forward to doing business with you" the investors said after shaking our hands

"Glad that's over with. Carol you and Kim should ensure that the designs run smoothly" Ash instructed our P.A and they left leaving us behind. I have to admit Ash is a really good businessman and I'm surprised he could speak Chinese. I didn't think I could ask him how he learnt it, as we're not close.

"Um...you were pretty amazing today" I said softly to him

"Thanks" we shared a look and I got lost in his eyes until my tummy rumbled

I blushed profusely and he chuckled lowly. Gosh I miss his chuckle. "I'm sorry" I looked away carrying my bag

"It's fine. Do you want to get lunch?" I looked at him, surprised at his question

"Together?" He scratched the back of his neck. He always does that when he's nervous

"If it's okay with you" I grinned so hard that my face hurt

"Of course" we went out of the office to a cozy diner and sat at a booth

While looking at the menu, I noticed someone's eyes on me. I looked up to see Ash staring at me intently. He didn't even look away after being caught. I blushed

"Excuse me Sir, would you like to order now?" The waiter came and interrupted our staring contest.

"Yes" he ordered a steak while I ordered some rice and fried chicken.

"So, how are you Dawn?" He turned his attention back to me

"I'm..I'm good. What about you? How have you been?"

"Great actually.... As you can see I survived" a flash of pain flashed in his eyes but he immediately masked it

"Ash..." I started but he cut me off

"There's no need for an explanation. What happened has happened. Your explanation won't change anything between us" I felt my eyes brim with tears and I bit my lips to stop myself from crying

"Ash I know you'll never be able to forgive me for what I did but I want you to know that I never meant any of the things I said. I'm sorry" I whispered looking straight into his eyes

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