She jumped slightly when he spoke to her as if she didn't know he was there at all, but lifted the tiny thing away from her chest and handed it to him carefully. "Make sure you don't squeeze too hard and leave it loose so he can breathe." She said gently not wanting to scare the poor thing any more than he probably already was.

She watched as he did exactly as she said and lifted the squirrel onto the branch with ease. He removed the newspaper from its head quickly and the baby squirrel immediately scurried up into the branches of the tree. Louisa sighed in content, happy that he was safe and she wrapped her arms around the tall man's stomach and squeezed him tight.

"Thank you!" She said and truly meant it not sure anybody else would have helped and was grateful that he was there and willing to.

"No problem." He wrapped his arms around her too, furrowing his eyebrows and holding her close. He was sure there were people out there who would stop and do what she did, but no one he knew. What she did touch a little part of his heart and he would always be grateful for that.

"Come on, now you definitely deserve some ice cream," he said finally and she let go of him, her cheeks pink. He reluctantly let go surprising himself by how much he didn't want to, quickly shoving his hands in his pockets instead. They made it to the ice cream shop in about 7 minutes and Louisa was practically bouncing in her spot by the time they stepped in the door. She got to the counter first, her nose pressed against the glass as she gazed at all the different flavors they had.

"What are you thinking?" He asked her as he leaned over her, looking to see if anything appealed to him.

"Mm... cookie dough! No, peanut butter! Definitely peanut butter cup." She said as she eyed the deliciousness.

"Hi, how can I help you today?" The lady said, briefly glancing at Louisa, and then at the tall man behind her. Noting that the pair were an odd sight before looking back down at her screen.

"Yeah, can we get a double scoop of chocolate ice cream on a waffle cone and a.." he glanced at Louisa, not sure if she wanted a single or double scoop.

"What would you like?" He asked her and was surprised when she stood behind him looking down all shy. If he didn't know better, he might need to start calling himself the fucking Grinch with how his heart just swelled 3 sizes in his chest. He moved in front of her out of instinct, blocking her view of the woman and asked her quietly what she wanted.

"Just a single scoop and a waffle cone please," she mumbled just loud enough for him to hear. He quickly ordered what she wanted and pulled out his wallet to pay the girl. Louisa wrung her hands together nervously, cursing herself for being so awkward before a gentle nudge had her feet shuffling forwards.

Xavier led them to a booth in the back corner of the restaurant. "Come on now, don't you want your ice cream, Lou?" He asked her and chuckled when her head popped up at the mention of ice cream.

She slid into the booth and he slid in beside her, watching her happily dig into her ice cream, saying thank you between bites, before taking a bite of his own. When he asked about her life it was as if the shy girl he just saw had completely disappeared from existence and that glowing girl from before was back in a flash. The pair talked for an hour, but what only felt like mere minutes. Xavier listened intently but couldn't help but note how she never offered any information about herself, avidly speaking of her loved ones. Xavier told her a bit about how he grew up, the good stuff anyway, as well as meeting Sebastian and some crazy stuff they used to get into. When she threw her head back and laughed, a real full laugh, his heart beat faster and harder than it ever had. Once she calmed down, they both took to eating their nearly forgotten ice cream.

"So, after we met last week, what did you think of me?" He asked after a beat of silence, trying to be casual about the whole thing.

"Well to be honest I thought you we're pretty intense." She spoke quickly, her nervousness overcrowding her need to be normal or even breath. She took a couple of deep breaths before glancing up at him, deciding ice cream would cover the taste of feet in her mouth.

"Is that good or bad?" He asked, generally curious.

"You, being all intense and manly?" She asked, as her mind was in overdrive now, not making sense of even the simplest of questions.

"Manly too? I thought I was quite rugged and charming." he chuckled, taking another bite of his ice cream.

"I don't know about charming," she teased making him glower at her before she continued saying, "handsome sure... I mean have you seen yourself? I don't know, you give off this aura of authority, all good things." She bit her lip, hoping to physically stop herself from speaking.

"Tell me about yourself though. Who is Xavier?" She questioned after she saw his grin and her whole body heated up in embarrassment. She leaned her head against the seat, staring at him curiously.

It was his turn to think, he wasn't sure how to answer that question. Plus the way she was looking at him right now as if he held all the stars in the sky made him panic a little. He didn't find himself exactly interesting outside of his work. He was just there, protecting his town, and up until this point he was okay with that, but now he found himself wishing he had more to tell her. He unconsciously reached his hand out for her and settled his hand in her lap where she held onto it in a comforting way. She rubbed her thumb across the back of his hand in a circular motion, making his shoulders relax.

"I guess I'm not really sure who I am yet. Besides being a workaholic, and the best friend and son I can be to my family... Outside of that, there's not much to tell." He said looking away from her, his shoulders were stiff and he wasn't sure what else to say.

"Xavier..." Her sweet voice kissed his ears and pulled him back to her so easily, he wasn't sure if he belonged anywhere else in the world but by her side.

"It's something," she said. His eyes snapped up to meet hers and his face had an unreadable look on it, but she continued anyway. "In fact, I think that might just be the best thing you could ever be whilst you figure out who you are. At least you know where you belong and that's something." She said, as her heart tumbled around in her chest, her pulse racing from the look she was now receiving from him.

The sun had been replaced by clouds that now loomed over the town. Fog spread across the land and surrounded the ice cream shop in the town that held the two almost lovers, who had completely fallen into each other, felt the chill in the ice cream shop. Just as the wind began to howl outside and the rain hit the window at a pace almost as fast as their heartbeats. He didn't know what came over him, but he found a light in her he didn't know existed in this world and with one quick motion he had captured it between his hands and pressed his lips against it, savoring every moment like it would be his last.

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