Chapter 5

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Fifa World Cup 2018...

"You absolute fucking LEDGE!"

Dele turns on the spot just in time to see Kieran leap into the air and wrap himself around Harry Maguire's upper body. Harry catches him with ease and spins around on the spot, both of them yelling with pure joy at each other.

The dressing room at the Cosmos Arena is buzzing with energy. They've just beaten Sweden 2-0, securing their place in the World Cup semi-final, and Dele and Maguire are currently being hailed as heroes after both scoring in the match.

Dele stands at the back of the dressing room with Eric, Kyle, and John while they discuss the highlights of the match and Dele's superb header. Every few seconds, Dele finds himself zoning out from the conversation and looking at the open door. The rest of the players and the coaches have now filled into the dressing room, but there's still a glaring absence.

John wraps his arm tightly around Dele's shoulder and scrubs his knuckles on top of Dele's head.

"Who knew Dele could give such good head!?" John grins, bumping his hip into Dele's. Dele rolls his eyes and attempts to loosen John's hold on him. Jordan Henderson is now blocking Dele's view of the door, and he wants to move so that he can see who is coming and going.

"You took it like a champ!" Kyle exclaims. Dele nods slightly and presses his mouth into a short smile, looking over Kyle's shoulder. John finally lets up on his grasp and Dele moves over to Eric, giving himself a better view of the door.

He still has no idea where Kane is. Harry had shot off after the match and still hasn't come into the dressing room. They finished the game ten minutes ago now. 

Then the one person Dele is so eagerly awaiting to see has just walked through the door, his eyes scanning the room and quickly finding Dele.

Dele practically jumps off the bench.

They meet in the middle of the room in a sweeping hug. Harry lifts Dele a little off his feet and Dele grins into the crook of Harry's neck.

"Where were you!?" Dele asks, breathless. He pulls away slightly so he can look at Harry.

"Just had to speak to the gaffer," Harry replies quickly, still smiling. He pulls Dele back into a tight hug and squeezes him. "You were the superstar tonight, Del." and just like that, all is right in the world again. At least for now.  


Back at the hotel, the rowdy celebrations cease and everyone filters back to there rooms leaving Dele, Harry Kane, and Eric dier alone, "So, we have a little while before our next game!" Eric says looking deadly serious and kind of nervous towards Harry, "You will probably say no but," Eric produces a small transparent bag containing 3 or 4 small pills. "What the Hell Eric?" Harry says confused and Dele just sits watching. "What? it's only a bit of love drug, it'll unwind us, and make us happy, so J-Lingz tells me anyway." Eric says. "J-Lingz, are you fucking kidding me! how many other squad members are dabbling, we are supposed to be in our best physical condition!" Harry replies slightly annoyed. "Harry, chill man, we are in our best physical condition! in case you haven't noticed, we are in the quarter-finals now, we are all fit, healthy, and fully capable of working off a bit of love drug, besides, we have time to recover, stop being such a captain all the time and have fun!" Eric says and Harry looks unsure and slightly annoyed. "I'll do it," Dele says sitting forward nearer to Eric. "No you bloody won't del," Harry snaps back annoyed. And Dele, of course, takes no notice and takes one pill followed by Eric Dyer, Harry feels totally unsure but says, "Fine, but if any of us die you are aware Gareth will kill me," Harry says and Eric laughs. 
"You'd already be dead, besides I've done it before, it's nothing man, just enjoy the trip." And with that, Harry Kane takes the love drug pill. 


An hour later and Eric has dispersed leaving a party of 2 Dele, and Harry. Both England/Spurs boys are high off the love drug. "Can you literally hear that too?" Dele asks as multi-colored stars and technicolor burst around him, but what he can hear is roars of the crowd after victory. "Yeah," Harry replies and he presses his palm against Dele's cheek and it's like, electric both lads feel it, both are enjoying the high. So when they begin to kiss they feel so in-sync that in this moment all they feel is joy and love, "I Love You," Dele says to Harry and Harry replies the same. And then the trip shows them a vision of the England Squad winning the 2018 World Cup and total victory. Both lads laugh, kiss, and go with it. 


Neither Harry nor Dele knew what time they finally passed out from the love drug, nor do they know the after-effects. However, a very bedraggled Dele opens his eyes, feeling nowhere near as fresh as he went to bed, in fact, he feels like shit! his mouth is dry, the light hurts his eyes, his body feels drained and tired, and he feels the complete opposite of all the good he was feeling last night. He sits up and rubs his temples, "Ugh," he groans and looks around the room. He swallows at what he has done, and at what the drug could have done to his body. He steps off the bed and walks to the bathroom. Turning the shower on he stands for a good 45 minutes before he heads down to the hotel breakfast, with the rest of the team. He is filled with worry on the way down that something bad potentially could have happened to Harry. But is relieved to see Harry sat at the breakfast table, quiet, not eating, 2 orange Lucozade's and a bottle of water in front of him, Harry does not look his usual self, his hair is floppy over his head and his eyes look tired and dark underneath. "Hey," Dele says pulling out a chair and sitting, Eric winks at Dele and Harry before restarting a conversation with members of the squad, Dele studies Eric and notices he looks fully normal, as if not feeling the comedown that Harry and Himself are feeling. "You Ok?" Dele asks Harry. And Harry turns to him. "Not feeling great really, it was fun at the time, but I won't be repeating it, how about you?" Harry asks and Dele replies, "Same," Harry then turns away and begins talking to Jordan Pickford and Dele can't help but feel rejected and slightly ignored, perhaps it's just the comedown, but Dele gets the impression Harry is disappointed with him, so he excuses himself and goes back up to his hotel room where he spends the entire day, skipping training in the process.  

Present Day 2019... 

Dele's agent calls and tells him she has got him a trial at Liverpool and Dele thanks her and hangs up, he feels sad more than anything, he loved Spurs, loved the fans, loved the stadium loved everything about Tottenham, but above all of that he loved Harry. And to be thinking about a transfer to another club does hurt him, Dele had thought Spurs would have wanted him back eventually when they realized just what a good player they had lost, but up to now, that hadn't happened, and with Dele knowing Harry blames him for what happened during the World Cup last year, accepting another clubs offer was his only option left. So with a sigh, he leaves his hotel in London and heads North for his trial with Liverpool. Knowing once word gets around he has potentially accepted a trail for Liverpool, everyone down south would hate him, Harry included, and with the paps following his every move day and night, the news would be everywhere by the end of the day, if not sooner, Dele just has to ride the wave, besides its not all bad, he does, at least, know one person at Liverpool, but thats another story and we will get to that in due course. 

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