"I can't come back." - Supercorp + Alex

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Summary: Non has an army of Kryptonians and wants to invade the Earth, so team Supergirl has to make sure he doesn't succeed. 

Prepare for angst.

Inspired by the DC universe rebirth Supergirl comic 'Vol. 1: Reign of the Cyborg Supermen'

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The aftermath of the invasion had been harrowing. With Supergirl gone and the city left in shambles, chaos had had the upper hand for almost three months now. Lena Luthor was aware she had a brilliant mind, but she had been spreading herself too thin. The greater good theory stated to secure the greatest good for the greatest number. That meant saving National City first, and then thinking of a solution to save the Kryptonian hero, or more accurately heroes. However, her heart was prioritising her best friend over millions of strangers, and as smart as she was, she knew her brain was too scattered to function at optimal level. As if the personal feelings weren't enough of a distraction already, the flashbacks and nightmares certainly didn't help with the development of the restoration plan.


Three months ago

The DEO had been having a suspiciously uneventful morning and the Danvers siblings were enjoying the rare moment of calmness at the governmental facility by sparring and bantering as sisters do.

'That was a good session. You weren't half as bad as you were the first time we sparred together,' DEO director Alex Danvers teased her sister as she turned off the Kryptonite sensors and unlocked the door.

'I have a pretty great teacher,' Kara Danvers replied with a grin before heading to the locker room.

'You sure do,' the redhead concurred. 'Got any plans for lunch?'

The Super took a swig from her reusable water bottle before nodding enthusiastically. 'I've got a lunch date with Lena.'

The other woman studied the changing heroine with a raised eyebrow, 'you two are okay now? It kind of felt like the Cold War between you when she found out about Supergirl.'

The blonde hummed in agreement, 'we're fine. She was hurt and angry, which is understandable since I'd been lying to her for so long, and we hit a rough patch there but now we're flourishing like a Green Bay tree.'

Alex stared at her skeptically, 'you're 'flourishing like a Green Bay tree'? What are you, the Oxford Dictionary of English Idioms?'

The superhero smiled brightly at the attention her particular word choice had gotten. 'Sounds fancy, right? I've been brushing up on my expressions and vocabulary to enrich my journalistic articles,' she explained.

The governmental operative looked unimpressed, 'it sounds incongruous. How's that for a fancy word?'

'Not that fancy,' Kara deadpanned, fully clothed as the CatCo reporter the city knew her as. 'I'll be back in two hours tops. Try not to die of boredom and if something happens, call me.' She hugged her sister goodbye before making the journey to the L-Corp building the human way.


Kara had hoped that her lunch date with the L-Corp CEO would've gone without a hitch since her morning at the DEO had gone without disturbances. She should've known that wouldn't be the case. The ladies were halfway through their meal when the superhero received a call from her sister.

Alex: 'Hey, Kara. I'm sorry to cut your date short, but we have a situation at the DEO. Your mom's here.' 

Kara: 'Alura's at the DEO?'

A: 'Yes, and she wants to speak with you. You should hurry, Kara, she doesn't look well.'

K: 'I'm on my way.'

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