"Just follow me, I know the area." - Supercorp + Alex

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Summary: A DEO mission leads Lena Luthor, director Danvers and Supergirl to another planet. Luckily, Supergirl seems to know her way around.

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'It seems like we have run into a problem,' Supergirl announced with her hands on her hips, in the middle of the DEO.

'That's an understatement,' Alex Danvers retorted with slight panic. 

'An alien with similar powers as Kryptonians just attacked Supergirl and took Brainy hostage before fleeing to God knows where in his spaceship,' Lena Luthor summed up the events that had occurred not even five minutes ago. 

'This is bad, guys. This is really bad. Who knows what that perp will do to Brainy, you all remember when Lex's goons had reset his brain, right?' The DEO director crossed her arms and started coming up with possible strategies to track them down.

'What did he want anyway? His attack seemed personal, do you know him, Supergirl?' The Luthor asked the pacing blonde.  

When she didn't receive a response from the superhero, the green-eyed woman slowly approached her girlfriend and stopped her in her tracks. 'Babe, I know you're worried about Brainy, we all are,' she said quietly, 'but the best way to help him is to come up with a plan to get him out of there. Do you know who attacked you?' 

'You're right,' Kara agreed and furrowed her brows as she tried to remember the assailant. She closed her eyes and sighed once she realised which species they were dealing with. 'That was a Dheronian. Dheron was one of Krypton's neighbouring planets, and our planets were constantly at war with each other until they successfully destroyed Krypton.' 

The other two ladies were taken aback by the information. 'What do you mean they successfully destroyed Krypton?' Alex questioned curiously. She had assumed it had been a natural extinction event due to an unstable planetary core, not a planned coup from a neighbouring planet. 

'Krypton and Dheron had evolved at similar rates, but Krypton had made more technological advances. We had things they wanted and comparably, they also had things we wanted, not a lot, but they were a few Dheronian developments we were interested in, like star travel. Anyway, Krypton and Dheron were caught in this rivalry until one day, they launched a series of probes into Krypton's core, which led to it heating up and exploding,' the alien explained. 'Rao, I never thought I'd have to see one of them again. They've haunted my dreams for so long as a child, it was hard to let go of my vendetta against them.' 

'How did you find out about the probes? And if you knew about them, why didn't you stop it?' The redhead wondered, growing more and more confused.

'Some scientists found them when they were conducting some research to figure out why the core was overheating. By then, it was too late to do anything, but my parents were sure they would find a way to stop the explosion so they refused to inform the public about the imminent danger,' Kara recalled. 'Listen, I would love to talk to you about Krypton, but I don't think now is the right time to have that conversation.' 

'She's right,' Lena chimed in. 'Okay, so now we know who the assailant is and we may also have a motive. Do you think he was driven by the feud between your species to have done something like this?' 

'Possibly,' the blonde pondered. 'Although they literally blew up our planet and almost wiped out the whole Kryptonian population. If anyone was feeling vengeful, it would make more sense if it were a Kryptonian.'

'Maybe, they want to get rid of every last one of you,' the tech mogul brainstormed, making the alien wince at her words. 'I'm sorry, Kara. That was insensitive of me. I'm just trying to figure out why he would travel all the way to Earth to assault you. It seems like a very long way to go for a revenge, doesn't it?'

Fictober 2019Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ