Chapter 3: Cream

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            Bowie cleared out an entire corner of his living room to put up a playpen for Bunny. He set up the hay bin, toilet and some chewable toys. Placing Bunny into his new home, Bowie watched as the bunny hopped around to explore it. "Do you like it, Bunny?"

The bunny hopped over to him and stayed by his feet.

"Do you not like it?" Bowie lifted the bunny up and gazed into his eyes. "You're so cute." A smile lifted his plump lips upward as he watched the bunny's nose continuing to twitch. "Why are you so cute?" He nuzzled his face into the bunny's and gave him a peck on the forehead.


Three weeks flew by without much thought and Bowie was so used to having Bunny around, it was like second nature. The two got along as though they were soulmates. During the day, Bowie would bring Bunny with him to work and at night, they would hang out at home watching television. Sometimes, Bowie would play games with him, which Sean tolerated to make the lad happy. He even taught himself how to eat hay, parsley and use the potty like a real bunny. As long as Bowie was happy, Sean would go all out becoming the world's cutest bunny, at least to Bowie. There was one thing he couldn't make himself do no matter what and that was eating carrots. He hated them.

Unknown to Bowie, Sean actually turned back to his human form at night to conserve his power. Everything went well until one night when Bowie and Bunny both fell asleep on the bed.

What's this? Bowie peeked open an eye to see a bush of black hair poking on his chin. Sweeping it aside, he gasped when he discovered that it was someone's head. "Who?" He frantically tried to push the person away only to discover that the man's arms were wrapped around him. "Hey, wake up!"

"It's not time for work yet," Sean muttered. "Sleep."

"Who are you?"


"What the heck! Let go of me."


"Let go!"

Finally realizing what was going on, Sean's eyes shot open and he immediately released the man.

Bowie nearly rolled off the bed and got up on his feet. "What the...? It's you again. How did you get into my room?"

Sean waved his hands up to surrender. "I can explain."

Bowie crossed his arms over his chest and ordered. "Explain."

"I'm Bunny."

"Try again." Bowie didn't believe him.

"I'm really Bunny."

"I'm calling the police to come arrest you for breaking and entering."

"You brought me into your home on your own accord," Sean informed.

"I most definitely didn't."

Sean sighed. "I'm a fairy sent by Cream to help you find happiness."


"The elderly cat at the shelter that passed away last month. You saved her life 2 years ago and managed to convince the shelter to keep her as a permanent resident. She put in a request before leaving to be reincarnated. I was assigned to help you find happiness."

Bowie remained quiet for almost a minute before responding. "That is absurd. I'm calling the police."

Seeing Bowie snatching his phone, Sean panicked and transformed into a bunny right before Bowie's eyes.

Bowie recognized that kissing sound Sean made. I heard that before. H-He...really is... The phone slipped out of Bowie's grip and he fell to the floor in fear. Crawling backward on all four, he backed himself against the wall and panicked.

"You look like a spider on reverse." Sean giggled. "You don't have to be afraid of me." Sean turned back into a bunny and hopped toward Bowie. "I'm cute, remember?"

"I must be out of my mind." Bowie freaked out. "A bunny is talking to me."

Sean reverted back to his human form and sat in front of Bowie. "Please don't be afraid of me. I'm not going to hurt you. I just want you to be happy."

"P-Please back away from me," Bowie sputtered as he stood up.

"Would that make you happy?" Sean wondered and also got up on his feet.

"I would be happier if you leave my home."

"But I have no place to go."

"Go back to the place you came from."

"Once a human takes a fairy in, we're stuck with the human until happiness is found. Since you took me in, our contract was signed. I can't return to my sect until you've successfully found happiness."

"I don't care." Bowie herded the fairy out of his place and shut the door. "Go away!"

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