Chapter 2: Bunny

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            "You're in luck. I bought some parsley for Henry ge's soup noodles. I'll go wash some for you. You stay put, okay?" Bowie placed the small white bunny into a cardboard box he happened to have by the door and went to the kitchen to get the little guy something to eat.

It's time for a little exploration. Sean hopped out of the box and headed to the bedroom. The bed is too high for me to jump on. I need to transform in order to get up there. Making sure that Bowie wasn't around to see the transformation; Sean made a kissing sound and was soon bouncing on Bowie's bed.

Bowie brought out a plate of freshly rinsed parsley and a small piece of carrot. "Bunny, your food is ready." His eyes widened when he discovered that the bunny was not in the box. "Bunny?" Putting the plate down on the dining table, he went in search of the furry ball of cuteness. He heard a kissing sound coming from his room so he went to look. "What are you doing in here?" Bowie saw the cutie hopping around on his bed and went to pick it up. "How did you get up here all by yourself?" Petting the bunny's head, he carried the fluffy creature out and let it down on the table. He pushed the plate of veggies to the bunny. "Go ahead. Don't be shy. I'm going to finish eating my dinner as well."

The bunny stared at him while twitching its pinkish nose. Your dinner looks more appetizing.

"What's wrong? Aren't you hungry?" Bowie noticed that the bunny wasn't touching the veggies. "Are you not feeling well? Maybe I should take you next door and ask Jeremy to give you a checkup. He's the veterinarian at our shelter."

Hearing that, the bunny promptly munched on all the parsley and finished the entire plate. Bowie noticed that the piece of carrot went untouched, so he picked it up and lifted it to the bunny's mouth. Hesitatingly, the bunny took a bite of it and chewed it slowly. Bowie could have sworn that he saw a tear glide down the bunny's face.

"Do you have a blocked tear duct?" Bowie examined the bunny's eyes.

I don't like carrots.

"Your eyes look fine. Do you not like carrots?"

The bunny turned its face away to confirm Bowie's assumption.

"You're a bunny who doesn't like carrots?" Bowie chuckled. "That's kind of ironic."

Turning to face his butt at Bowie, the bunny thumped.

"Was it something I said?"

There was another thump.

"Okay. I won't give you carrots in the future. They aren't good for you anyway, since they are high in sugar." Bowie petted the bunny's head. "Is that okay with you?"

The bunny turned back to face Bowie and flopped on its side to sleep.

"I guess that's a yes." Bowie smiled.


That night, Sean transformed back to his human form and stood there watching Bowie as he slept. Leaning in to take a closer look, he smiled when the other mumbled something inaudible. "He's kind of cute." Sean's voice woke Bowie up and he opened his eyes to see who was talking.

Their eyes met and Bowie's widened. "It's you! How did you get in here?" Bowie yelled and sat up.

"You brought me in here," Sean replied.

"I most definitely didn't," Bowie denied. "Breaking and entering is a crime. I'm going to call the police."

Sean saw Bowie snatching his phone, so he dashed out of the room at once.

"Don't even think about escaping." Bowie jumped off the bed and ran out after the uninvited visitor. He noticed a kissing sound that was similar to the one he heard when this man knocked on his door earlier. By the time he made it to the living room, the man was nowhere to be seen. All that was there was the bunny. He's so fast. Where did he go? Bowie crouched down to pick up the bunny. "What are you doing out of your box again?" Bowie went to check the locks to his front door. "Where did he go? How did he even get into my apartment?" He held the bunny up to his face and nuzzled its nose with his own. "You're so cute."

You're cute, too. The bunny twitched its nose.

"Good night." Bowie placed the bunny into the box. "See you in the morning."


Bowie got ready for work and put the bunny into a carrier to take with him to the shelter. "Since I don't have a proper playpen for you here, I can't leave you home alone. I'll have to take you with me. I'll ask Jeremy to take a look at you to make sure that you're healthy. I'm sure someone will want to adopt you afterward."


Bowie went to work and asked Jeremy to give the bunny a checkup.

"How is the bunny?" Bowie asked.

"He's completely healthy," Jeremy assured.

"So, the bunny is a boy." Bowie smiled and held him up to his face. "You're so adorable, I'm sure someone would want you."

The bunny immediately fidgeted.

"I don't think the bunny likes what you're saying." Jeremy pointed out. "It appears that he has chosen you as his owner."

"I don't know if I could handle the responsibility." Bowie placed the bunny down on the examination counter and petted his head. "Tiny paws come with great responsibilities."

"You're very good with animals. I'm sure you'll be a wonderful owner."

Bowie lowered his face to the bunny's level and asked. "Well, what do you think? Do you want to stay with me?"

Yes. Yes! The bunny hopped over and licked Bowie's nose.

"I guess I'll have to name you now." Bowie tickled the bunny's nose. "Let's see. What should I call you? Hmm...I know."

Even Jeremy was curious to find out what it would be and waited for the announcement.

"I'll call you, Bunny."

"How...creative," Jeremy commented with a wavering smile.

"You think so?" Bowie was delighted.

"No," Jeremy admitted. "I was being nice."

Bowie hissed. "Whatever. Is it all right that I leave Bunny with you while I work?"

"Of course." Jeremy petted the bunny's head. "He could stay for as long as he wants."


"No problem. Cuties are always welcomed here."

"Including me?" Bowie sounded hopeful.

"If you turn yourself into an adorable bunny, I'll be happy to let you stay."

"Such things don't happen in real life." Bowie caressed a side of the bunny's face and cooed. "I'll see you later. We'll go buy you some stuff when I get off work."

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