Chapter 3

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I got up and grabbed some cookie dough from the fridge. I hushed everyone in the room and shoved the cookie dough in Hayes's face.
"WHAT IS ON ME!" He yelled, wiping the dough from his face. I fell over from laughing so hard. The fact when I fell I cut my lip with my fingernail. So, I'm here laying of the floor losing a large amount of lip blood and laughing my butt off. I just realized something...OH GOD I NEED TO CLEAN THIS UP! Due to my powers, my blood is blue and when I get a cut it turns all blue. I put my hand over my lip and ran to the bathroom.


OMG DESTINY IS BLEEDING AND IT'S BLUE! Oh yeah, I forgot about the blood thing. She held her lip and ran to the bathroom. Being the good friend I am, I ran after her. I opened the bathroom door and there she stood with a blue lip and blue all over her hands.
"Maddie what am I supposed to do?" She asked me, her eyes all red and puffy.
"Wait got just the thing to clear that up." I took her makeup bag and started digging through it. I pulled out a bottle of healing liquid that I had found at a witch's cottage. Also, I pulled out a pink lip stick.
"Here put this on."I handed her the bottle of liquid and lip stick. She applied the spell and put on the lip stick.
"Now that looks way better." I slightly bobbed my head to show that I was satisfied.


Maddy made me made me put the healing spell in am some lip stick to make my lips look normal. I walked out of the bathroom and everyone looked at me really strange...

CLIFFHANGER!!!!!!!! Ok so I finally got an idea for this story. PRAISE THE LORD🙏Ok stay beautiful! Ok byeeeeeeee

redone on 3/6/17

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