"Sure" I agreed and with that we said good byes and the call ended.


After my phone call with Geordie I looked outside my window and saw that the garage door was open at Lauren's house and I could see her practicing a routine. I grabbed a sweatshirt and headed over to Lauren's. I thought about how I was going to talk to her about this, I can't really be like 'hey why were you rude to my girlfriend' or 'I know you don't like talking about it but could you tell Geordie what happened to you?' There really is no easy way to approach this.

As I walked up her drive way I hear her yell out in frustration and then walk over to her computer hooked up to the stereo and start the song over again. I stood back watching her; I think she was trying to create a new routine. As she continued trying to make a routine she stumbled and yelled out in frustration again. As she turned around she saw me standing there watching her. At first her reaction was shocked because she wasn't expecting me, but it quickly changed to anger at the sight of me. She stood there watching me almost like she was pissed at me, but why?

"Hey" I said.

"Hi" she harshly said back.

"So I heard you meet Geordie today."

"Oh yeah I meet your girlfriend." She said adding emphasis 'girlfriend'.

"Well what happened between you and Geordie?" I asked seeing if I could try to understand her anger a little more and get more information to what happened at school.

"You want to know what happened."

"Yes I do!" I said.

"First she follows me to my locker and starts asking me questions, I don't have a problem with that, my problem is that she grabbed my arm, seeing my bruises, and demanded to know what happened to me. Then when I tried to walk away because I wasn't going to tell my whole life story to her, she chased after me, grabbed my arm on one of my bruises, and continued to question me about it and I told her it wasn't any of her business."

"Yeah she can be . . . persistent." I said.

"Honestly I don't know what pisses me off more this or the fact that you had a girlfriend and didn't tell me." Lauren commented.

"Wait so you're mad because of that?"

"Well I'm not happy."

"I honestly don't think that's something to over react about."

"Really? You may not see it as a big deal Michael, but to me and every other girl see it as a big deal, plus that fact you were practically flirting with me, causing me to start developing feelings for you!" she snapped. "I don't need to start any drama or get involved in any."

Wait she has feelings for me? That was actually good to know, yet at the same time made me more confused because I wasn't quite sure about my feelings towards her. I liked Lauren, a lot, she was different and unique, but then again I have a girlfriend.

"So you're mad at me because of that?" I argued back. My thoughts changing to the fact she was still mad at me.

"Oh I'm mad a multiple things. I'm mad at the fact that you didn't tell me you had a girlfriend. I'm mad at my dad for all the shit he put me, Emily and Andrew through. I'm mad that I had to take care of my siblings with the little money we had, not knowing when we were going to eat again. Oh and let's not forget, I loathe the fact that my mom died and is never coming back!" she yelled at me.

She stormed off through the door connecting the house to the garage, not bothering to shut the door, leaving me to stand there alone. I stood there in silence; she had a lot to be angry about, but compared to our situation and everything else she's been through this seems so minor. I continued to stand there when Lauren's uncle walked into the garage.

"Hi Mr. Court" I said the situation now becoming awkward.

"Michael" he said. "Let's have a chat shall we?" he said, taking a seat in one of the chairs in the room and offered me the one next to him.

"You mind explaining what all that arguing was about?" he asked.

"Lauren meet my girlfriend today." I sighed taking the seat.

"And?" he questioned wondering what the hell that had to deal with the yelling.

"And she's mad at me because I didn't tell her I had a girlfriend."

"Well that would seem reasonable." He shrugged.

"Really?" I questioned.

"Look Michael, any girl would be upset by this. I also know that you two hung out watching movies the other day. Now don't you think your girlfriend would be upset with you if she knew about that and you didn't tell her?" he pointed out.

"Well yeah I guess . . ." I thought about it. He did have a point, so I guess I could see why Lauren got upset because if Geordie finds out about the movies she would get jealous and upset about it as well.

"I didn't know that they weren't sure when they would eat again." I said after a minute.

"There's a lot you don't know." He sighed.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Lauren is very sensitive because of everything she's gone though, I think you know it's pretty obvious by now, but there are something's you don't know what their father did to them and her."

"Like what?" I questioned.

"Well for starters he couldn't hold a job because he would get so drunk. No job, no money, no money, no food. The money they did get was used for paying bills to keep a roof over their head; they got money for food from food stamps. Lauren had to become the mother figure to Emily and Andrew; she would make sure they ate before she did and sometimes go days without eating." He explained.

"But she doesn't look that skinny?" I pointed out.

"Yeah because when they finally got to court, they started giving them more healthy meals and she was forced to eat to gain her weight back, it's more noticeable when she wears her leotards." He clarified.

I nodded in understanding.

"Lauren is one of the brightest people I have ever met, especially when it comes to gymnastics." He started to explain. "However, when she feels attacked or threatened she goes into defensive mode. That coward shouldn't even be allowed to be called a father from the things he's done to her." He said hurt ringing through his voice.

"You mean he would, like touch her, inappropriately I mean?" I timidly asked, making the connection to what he meant. He only nodded.

"When she gets scared she tends to act out and make the wrong decisions, hence the drug use, the piercings, the hair dying; she tries to turn to something else to coup with the pain. She has learned to push people away, even those who love and care for her, and has lost her trust in everyone who isn't Emily or Andrew. Hell she is only starting to trust her aunt and myself because she knows she's as far away as possibly from that joke of a father and that we're going to protect her." He continued to explain.

I sat back in my seat, taking in this new and sickening knowledge. I really didn't know anything about Lauren. I wanted to help her. Tell her that everything was okay or at least was going to get better. She can trust me, but after the argument we had she probably doesn't anymore.

"I really blew it didn't I?" I said.

"Not necessarily. You and Luke are the only two people I've ever truly seen her open up too and bother to become friends with. I'm sure she could get to that point with Ashton and Calum as well, because honestly, I think since the four of you have come into her life, it's been helping her get through all this easier."

"You think so?" I asked perking up.

"I think that if you try to make it right and show her you care and are trust worthy again; then she will forgive you, it may take a while but eventually you could be back to where you were." He explained.

Hearing this renewed my mood and feelings for Lauren. I was going to fight to win Lauren's trust and friendship back. No matter what it takes.

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