Chapter 3

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Danny woke up late this morning. She didn't have time for usual morning run. She woke up happy and warm before realizing it was just a dream. Shannon wasn't really there. There was no sign of her presence at all. Danny laid in bed for a while, looking up to ceiling, thinking about all the times Danny and Shannon had sleepovers, always at Shannon's house, never at Danny's. Through childhood up until her disappearance. 

They had been friends since kindergarten. In such a small town everyone knew everyone but they shared a connection of real friends. Neither of them got sucked into the traditions of a small town. They knew they needed to leave Grant once and for all after high school, to get out and never look back. Danny especially fantasied about this, she vowed to herself that wouldn't end up in the never ending cycle of Grant. Born here, raised here, marry your high school sweetheart, have kids, be a stay at home mom and either have an affair or your spouse does. Just like her parents. She promised to not be like her parents. Or ever end up with someone like her father. 

Danny went to the pharmacy earlier than usual so Riley wouldn't show up while Danny was trying to pay. 

"Hi Danny," Mr. Spencer said. He was already waiting at the counter for her. 

"Good morning," Danny said and smiled. 

"If you'll just sign here," he said, handing her a pen and pointing where. 

Her signature was shakey, she could feel his eyes watching her like a hawk. She looked up and smiled, handing him the receipt. 

"Thank you," he said taking the thin paper out of her hands. He handed her to medicine. "You didn't go on a run this morning did you?" 

"What?" Danny wasn't sure if she heard him correctly. Before he could answer her question, Riley and Ethan had appeared, they had Oliver with them. 

"Danny, c'mon!" Riley yelled, gesturing to hurry up. 

Mr. Spencer's facial expression changed once he saw the teenagers; instantly cold. 

"Okay, hang on," Danny said flustered. 

"Have a good day," Mr. Spencer said smiling at her before turning around. Danny, still confused, turned around and left to go meet her friends. 

"Good morning beautiful," said Riley cheerfully. 

"Morning," Danny said shaking her head. 

"What?" Riley said smiling.

Danny starred at her, motioning to Oliver. 

"Oh," Riley said satisfied. "You're welcome!" 

Danny rolled her eyes. "Did you tell him to talk to me yesterday?" 

"I told him about you, we have first period together." Riley winked. 

Danny sighed and shook her head. "I really don't need you to be my wing man." 

"You'll thank me later." Riley put her arm around Danny, taking her to Ethan's truck. 

Danny and Oliver sat in the backseat. Riley of course was babbling about who knows what. The dream from last night came into Danny's mind. It warmed her up for a little while. Riley had been a mutual friend of both Shannon and Danny. It wasn't until last year that Riley scooped Danny into her wings and forced Danny to come to lunch and sit with her and her friends. When Shannon was here, no one ever bothered the girls. They sat with one another at lunch, if they had a class together they would partner up and everyone let them. No one had anything to say about it. 

Riley must have said something funny because Oliver laughed and looked at Danny. Danny pretended to know what was going on and laugh along. 

This time when Danny went to english class she made sure to sit a behind Oliver. She was interested in the 'new kid,' as everyone was calling him. It was so rare for Grant to get anyone knew to the town. 

He seemed to be a good student. He took notes, followed along with Ms. Church's reading assignment and every now and then would catch Danny starring at him. He only smirked, never making full eye contact with her. His eyes were enchanting, but what Danny really liked was his hair. The length was to his shoulders, dark brown and full of thick curls. 

After class he turned around in his seat to face Danny. "Given anymore thought to the party this weekend?"

"You know, I think I'll go," Danny said. Why not? She thought. It was something totally out of her nature but she did want to talk to Oliver in a non-school setting. 

"Good. I wanted to talk to you this morning about it but Riley can uh, really talk."

Danny smiled and nodded her head. "She really can." 

There was a small awkward silence between the two of them until Ms. Church interrupted. 

"Danny, can I speak to you?" She asked. 

"Of course," Danny glanced at Oliver and he grabbed his bag and waved goodbye. 

Ms. Church sat back down at her desk, "Have they found out anything else about Shannon's disappearance?" 

When she said her name it hit Danny like a bag of bricks. "No, I haven't heard anything," Danny managed to say. 

Ms. Church nodded her head with a sad expression. "I cant believe it's been a year since her disappeared." 

Danny had never really paid attention to Ms. Church's features. She actually was quite beautiful, now Danny realized why there was always talk about why Regina Church was still single. She couldn't have been more than 25 years old and she never did mention a boyfriend when she moved to Grant. She never mentioned an ex-husband either. 

"Thank you, Danny. I know this has been hard for you. Will you let me know if you find anything out?" 

"Of course," Danny said. She left the classroom quickly and started to walk home. 

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