Chapter 1: Contract

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Disclaimer: None of what's written is connected to anyone in real life, or should be taken seriously. They are only characters I created from my imagination. If you don't like my stories or characters, move on to another. Wattpad has many amazing writers with wonderful stories for you to choose from.  


So...he's the one. Long curvy doe eyes were fixed on a young man hurrying down the street, on his way to work. Bowie Wang. His shapely lips lifted into a smile as he recited the other's name, raising a tiny mole, a little to the left, below his bottom lip. He sure moves fast. His eyes twinkled with fascination as he watched Bowie traveling quickly on his skateboard, yet was able to avoid hitting anyone. Tilting his head to a side as he used his index finger to rub the tip of his nose, the gorgeous male, who was currently invisible to the human eyes, floated alongside his new assignment. To be exact, Bowie was Sean's first ever assigned human as a newly graduated fairy.

Their sect took care of requests from animals that have crossed the rainbow bridge. These were the animals' wishes to grant happiness to the humans who brought joy to their lives. Sean must assist Bowie in finding true happiness. His success would determine whether he could stay with the fairy sect or be disqualified.

Bowie picked up his skateboard and rushed into the building. "Hello Munchkin, Cinnamon, and Nacho," he greeted happily. "You too, Soda and Coffee..." Bowie petted one of the kittens on his way to the back room to put away his skateboard. "How are you today?" Putting on his apron, he started cleaning up the different rooms. Looking at a framed picture of a cat that was hung on the wall, Bowie asked. "Are you having a good time in heaven, Cream?"

Sean smiled as he watched the lad petting and cuddling the cats and dogs in the shelter. "Adorable."

Bowie glanced toward Sean's direction when he thought he heard someone talking but decided to ignore it when he didn't see anyone.

Hmm...could he hear me? Sean glimpsed down at his arms to make sure that he was still invisible. That's strange. He shouldn't be able to see or hear me. Reaching up to rub his nose with his index finger once more, Sean sniggered and shook his head. It couldn't be. There's no way he could. I must be thinking too much.


Bowie hurried into the elevator and pressed the button. Sean slipped in before the door shut and let out a soft cheer. "That was close."

Bowie immediately turned to look. "Who's there?"

He could hear me when I speak with my mouth. Sean realized and immediately pressed a palm over his mouth to keep from letting out anymore noises. As long as I speak with my mind, he won't hear me.

There's no one else in the elevator with me. Bowie gulped nervously. Am I being haunted? Did the ghost follow me from the shelter? The sun hasn't set yet. Why are they wandering the streets in broad daylight? Wait. Do ghosts even exist? The thought of ghosts frightened him, so he dashed out the moment the doors glided open.

Aiyoh...I'm sorry for scaring you. Sean puffed out his cheeks and rubbed his nose. Maybe he won't be frightened if I showed myself. Making sure that no one was around, Sean made a kissing sound and became visible. Skip-hopping as he happily trailed behind Bowie, he noticed the strange looks he was receiving from the people walking by. What's wrong? Why is everyone looking at me like that? He glimpsed down at his red vest with gold trimmings, and sausage-like, knee-high pants. Is my outfit not blending in with everyone else? "Hi," he greeted politely. "Is what I'm wearing not appropriate?"

"Are you filming something?" A guy asked as he searched for a hidden camera.

"Filming?" Sean wondered. "I'm not sure what you mean."

"You're wearing a circus monkey's outfit."

"Is that a bad thing?"

The man didn't respond and got on the bus when it came.

"How come he didn't answer me?" Sean tried to figure out and discovered that Bowie was heading off on his skateboard. Oh, no! He's leaving. The fairy quickly chased after him.

Bowie noticed that the peculiarly dressed male was trailing after him, so he went faster. That only made Sean chase him faster and he finally stopped to confront him. Stepping on an end of his skateboard to bounce it up so that he could grab it with his hand, Bowie approached the stranger. "Are you following me?"

"What makes you think that?"

"You've been walking behind me for a few blocks."

"You noticed?"

"It's hard not to see you in that outfit."

"I see." Sean chuckled sheepishly.

"Do you know me?"

"Not yet," Sean provided honestly. "But I will soon."

What the...? Is this guy trying to pick me up? Bowie pretended not to be affected. "Did you need something?"

"You," Sean blurted cheerfully.

"What?" Bowie wanted to make sure he heard him right.

"Could we be friends?" Sean said cutely.

"I don't know who you are."

"You could find out once we're friends." Sean threw him a huge smile.

"O-kay." Bowie forced on a smile and bowed his head courteously. "I should get going. See you around." With that, Bowie put his skateboard on the ground and went on his way.

"Was that a no?" Sean blinked with wide eyes. It's not like I don't know where you live.


Bowie heard a knock on his door, so he went to answer it.

"Hello," Sean greeted with a bright smile.

"W-What are you doing here? How did you know my address? Did you follow me home?"

"I already know where you live, so no. I didn't follow you home."

"That didn't sound creepy at all." Bowie threw in a bit of sarcasm.

"I'm glad to hear that." Sean beamed.

Is he for real? Bowie furrowed his brows in disbelief. "Why are you here?"

"To be your friend," Sean replied. "May I come in?"
"I'm sorry. I don't let strangers into my place." With that, Bowie shut his door and locked it.

Sean stood outside pouting from the rejection. I need a different approach. He thought for a moment and snapped his fingers. I know. Bowie likes animals, so I'll just turn myself into one. Smiling, Sean knocked on the door again.

"I already told you not to..." Bowie warned whilst opening the door to find no one outside. A small fluffy white bunny caught his eyes so he bent down to pick it up. "What are you doing here by yourself, little one? Do you belong to someone?" Gently petting the bunny's head, Bowie looked out the hallway and saw nobody there. "Are you hungry? I'll get you something to eat." Taking the bunny inside, he closed the door and locked it.

Contract is officially signed. Sean smirked.

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