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Castiel didn't sleep. He lay awake in his nest. Samandriel tossed and turned that night next to Cas, whimpering gently in his sleep. Cas didn't wake him but instead put his wing around him and rubbed his back gently. He found himself humming to the three year old, songs Gabriel used to sing to him. Samandriel's moving started to quiet down. Castiel heard his door creak open and in walked a very tired Hannah. She stood by the door for a while, wondering whether she should come in or not. Cas tilted his head at her, wondering why she just stood there. It wasn't until he noticed the tear tracks across her cheeks that he understood her hesitance and his gaze softened,

"Come in Hannah" He said gently, trying not to wake Samandriel. She finally approached him and he could see her bloodshot eyes and drooping wings, "What's the matter?"

"I-" She started, trying not to choke up, "I can't sleep" She looked down at her feet, "Can I..." She trailed off, finding the floor really interesting all of a sudden,

"Of course" Cas said, moving to give her some room. She gave a weak smile before climbing in next to Cas and Sam. Sam woke up momentarily to acknowledge Hannah getting in before promptly falling back asleep. All three were exhausted by their ordeal. Cas pulled his wing over the pair next to him and waited until he heard Hannah's breathing even out, signalling that she was asleep. He relaxed, his eyes finally starting to close and for the first time in ages, he wasn't on edge.

As the scars healed and heaven was finally starting to look like heaven again, things calmed down. Everyone got back into routine. Cas had started his training but as he promised Samandriel, he'd go to them on his breaks, no matter how tired he was. Though the physical scars were healed, the damage done emotionally was too much for any angel to bear alone. Samandriel had nightmares about that day almost every night but Castiel was patient with him, humming soothing songs to get him back to sleep, staying with him through the night. Hannah was also not in good shape. In fact, barely any of the fledglings could sleep soundly and Cas couldn't remember the last time he had a nest to himself. Michael and Raphael, the only remaining archangels, had stopped spending time with them. The only time Castiel saw Michael now was during intense training. The archangel was emotionless. As it turns out, he couldn't deal that final blow to his younger brother so instead he locked him away in the deepest pit of hell. He knew that it wouldn't hold him forever. For now though, there was a huge hole where that archangel used to be. Heaven was really feeling the loss of all the turned angels and the ones killed in action. It felt empty now. Empty and quiet. What once was paradise was now gone.

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