Cliff Hanger

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There is a little part where I'm switching between languages. I've written them both in English so you can understand both of them. Sorry if it gets confusing, I did try to distinguish between them. Anyway, enjoy.

All the fledglings were panicking. They flocked together on instinct, hoping the numbers would save them but it just served as entertainment for the attacking angels that cut into the crowd, scattering it across the fields. Hannah, Hael, Rachel and Castiel were herded to the trees whereas Samandriel was stuck in the group that was being brought somewhere else. Castiel broke from his group to reach him, an angel tried to swoop down and grab him while he was on his own but he ducked under his grasp. As he reached the group, he realised they were headed towards the canyon. Castiel tried to grab Samandriel and get out but he was too far in front of him,

"Sammie!" Cas called to him as he reached the edge. Samandriel looked around for anything, he was tired and petrified. The young angel stood of the edge quivering. He looked up and saw an angel starting to swoop. He panicked and as more fledglings rushed to a halt at the edge, he was accidentally pushed closer, his arms flailing as he tried to balance precariously on the edge. His foot slipped off the edge but Cas grabbed him around the waist, pulling him back. They both fell back onto the grass and Cas gave a sigh. It wasn't over though. More fledglings were reaching the edge and some were falling. The older ones possibly tried to glide across but were quickly grabbed by more angels.

"What do we do?" Samandriel sobbed,

"Just stay calm ok? I'll get us out of here, hang on" Cas looked for a way to exit the crowd that continued too push them closer to the edge. The crowd continued to grow as the fledglings were all herded into a large crowd again. This was all being done by two or three angels but none of the fledglings had any idea on how to defend themselves. They were getting scoped up and taken away to who knows where. Some where falling into the canyon and a couple even jumped, wanting to take their chances with their own underdeveloped wings than the angels that chased them.

"Cassie?" Cas looked over and Rachel and Hael were there with Hannah, "Sammie!" Hannah leaned over to see them. When she did, an angel swooped by, making her lose her footing. Castiel grabbed her hand as she fell down but lost his own footing. As they tumbled, he latched on to the canyon wall, his free hand scraped for a hold and his feet clung to the rocks. His body was being painfully pulled down with catching the weight of the falling fledgling and his skin was scraped and bleeding from the friction with the wall,

"Hannah! Cassie!" Rachel, Hael and Samandriel were all at the top, staring down at them. He saw a shadow swooping down along the cliff face. Cas couldn't even do anything to stop them, his grip was weakening on the cliff. The dark shadows showed outstretched wings and hands ready to grab them.  When he craned his neck to look over, he saw rosy wings. The angel grabbed Hannah and another took Castiel before they fell.

"Castiel, thank goodness you're ok" Cas looked up and he was in the arms of his brother Balthazar. He gave a huge sigh of relief. His grip was strained to a point it felt weird even now that he wasn't holding anything. Anna had Hannah too. They took the fledglings back up again,

"Listen, go to the garden" Anna instructed, "Joshua is still there evacuating the other fledglings"

"What about you?" Hannah asked,

"Don't worry about us. We'll come and find you once it's over ok?" Balthazar looked to Castiel, "You keep a watch on them now" Cas nodded. Immediately the pair flew off to stop more fledglings from jumping, fighting off the ones after them to the best of their abilities. They were still young and had no experience. Cas led the group around the battle using the woodlands again, keeping an eye out for any of the angels that chased them. It was hard to tell who was on their side. As they made it to the garden, Joshua was indeed still there. He had a portal to earth open in the centre of the garden and he was shepherding fledglings through, keeping a count of everyone who went in. Cas led them all through the portal and all of them landed on a hillside. Throughout the countryside, various fledglings were scattered far and wide. Above them, the skies were alive with thunder and lightening and if they listened close enough, they could still hear the screams. Samandriel was still clinging to Castiel, burying his face in his chest, crying openly. Cas just hugged him back, not knowing what else to do. Hannah was crying too. In fact, all of them were. Cas folded his wings around everybody, Rachel and Hael stretching their wings out too to create a tent of warmth for them all. Rachel was currently cradling Hannah. The thunder around them was so loud, they couldn't even hear footsteps approaching them. That was until the figure appeared to them. The group backed away from this creature. Though it stood on two legs like them, it wasn't an angel. Castiel thought it bore a resemblance to the humans in his dreams.

"It's ok" The creature said, "I won't hurt you" He spoke Hebrew, something none of the fledglings could understand,

"What did he say?" Hannah looked to her older siblings. Cas tilted his head at the man. He had long greying hair and beard and his eyes were brown and gentle. He did not appear threatening to them and he didn't approach them when they backed away,

"H-huumaan?" Castiel sounded out in Hebrew,

"Yes, you understand?" He asked slowly, "Little?"

"Little" Cas replied. Hael and Rachel looked at Castiel like he had two heads,

"How are you doing that?" They asked, still speaking Enochian,

"I learnt it from Gabriel" Castiel told them,

"I can keep you safe" The man continued in Hebrew. He pointed to the sky, "Storm, not safe" Cas looked to his siblings. He did want to keep them safe but how could he trust this man,

"What does he want?" Rachel asked,

"He wants to take us somewhere safe" He said, "Away from the sky" The man gestured to follow him as he turned in the direction he was going to go,

"Can we trust him?" Rachel asked,

"Well, we can't really trust the angels" Hael said, "We don't know which are on our side" The group finally got up and decided to follow the man. He smiled warmly at them and led them through the forest until they came to a structure. The fledglings all looked to each other. The structure wasn't naturally occurring. It was made out of the same material as the trees but it looked different. Samandriel was still clinging to Castiel and hadn't even looked up at the man. The man opened the door to his house, inviting them in,

"Are we sure?" Rachel asked, "For all we know he could be trying to steal us"

"He worships God, he wouldn't" Hael said taking her hand and leading her through. Castiel rubbed his sore shoulder a little before he took Hannah by the hand and led her in too. It was warmer in the house than out. It was a large room with him, seemingly living on his own,

"Welcome" He said,

"T-thank you" Castiel said. Gabriel had always told him the best things to start learning in a new language were greetings and manners. The fledglings all huddled together in the corner. Cas noticed Sam's iron grip weakening and as he looked down, the little fledgling was asleep. He smiled down at him, moving his wing to show his sisters. Hannah was resting on Rachel's arm and she gave a tired smile. It was clear she'd be falling asleep too. The man brought blankets over to them,

"My name is Adam" He said, "What's yours?" Castiel tilted his head. The man pointed to himself, "Adam" He repeated. Cas pointed to himself,

"Castiel" He said. His sisters all understood that too and introduced themselves,

"Where did you come from?" Cas tried hard to understand Adam and Adam did his best to talk slow and use as much hand gestures as he could. Eventually it clicked what he was asking and Cas pointed up. The man looked up, "Sky?" He asked. Castiel shook his head and pointed up again, "Heaven?" Cas nodded, "Did the storm bring you down here?"

"Ff-fighting" Castiel said,

"Fighting, causing the storm?" Cas nodded, "Why are they fighting?" Cas shrugged, shaking his head, "And you? Did you fall? Did the fighting make you fall?" He asked slowly. Cas didn't know what 'fall' meant in his language, "Lost?" The man put his hands over his eyes as a gesture. Cas mimicked the gesture,

"Hiding" Cas replied,

"Hiding? From what?"


"What bad?" Adam couldn't imagine any bad in heaven. It was where God was and his angels, for young kids to think of bad up there, he had to wonder what was going on. Cas looked over his sisters, practically all of them were asleep now. Rachel trying to fight sleep in case the man wasn't as nice as Hael believed. Castiel moved his wing to reveal Samandriel to Adam and show the area of torn feathers across his bronze brown wings from when the angels split him away from them. Adam put his hand over his mouth, his face contorting in sympathy and shock. Cas pulled his wing back around Samandriel to keep him warm. He rubbed his shoulder again. It was burning with pain since catching Hannah but it would numb every now and then. The exhaustion hit Cas like a bag of bricks. Everyone else was asleep by now and Adam could tell he was fighting sleep so he stopped asking questions and left them be. Cas fell asleep not long after.

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