Is it just me...?

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This will kinda be an little thing where I ask the question "is it just me..?" And day something like "is it just me or is (a random character) under rated/over rated" or something like that.

So, is it just me or does anyone else have ships that could be considered "crack ships" but could also not be a crack ship in a kinda of way if you think about it enough...

Like for me I really like Aarvis (Travis x Aaron) I think its kinda cute. And even Zenix x Vylad or Ein and Gene (If Ein was good) Ein x Kai??

(I don't know who Kai is I just know he's a mef'wa??and is a jerk?? And is in PhD season 2)

Oh and Laurance x Blaze hell even Laurance x Zane is cute! (I now am going to write a one shot for Laurance x Zane Zance? Laurane?)

So is it just me?

Aphmau RandomKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat