Chapter 6

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We woke the next morning to banging on the front door. Turning my body towards my bedroom door, I watched as Troy went downstairs to answer the front door. I hesitatingly removed myself from bed, slipping on Troys flannel before padding down the stairs. "It's an emergency Troy! Dad needs you at the house now!" Jake spoke sternly towards his little brother before letting his gaze fall upon me. "Audrey. I'm so sorry to wake you" I weakly smiled "it's fine Jake. Is everything okay?" I questioned, looking back and forth between the two boys. "Just a small emergency, I'll be back later" Troy replied leaning down and kissing my cheek before leaving with his brother. I stood there watching the pair walk away for a moment before closing the door and returning to my room to get ready for the day.

"Now Mia...." "I know miss Audrey. No more climbing trees." The six year old girl sighed, rolling her eyes. "I mean it. This is the third time I've given you stitches this month" I lectured the girl, wiping the remaining blood off of her arm. "But there's nothing else to do" Mia whined as I patted her back and helped her off the examination table. "Go read a book" I smirked, giving her a small wink as she continued to complain about how boring reading was. "Now run along and be good" I laughed, kissing the girls forehead as she bid me farewell, running out of the infirmary right into someone. "Oof" Mía huffed "oh sorry Jake" the girl apologized, smiling up at the oldest Otto. "It's okay Mia" he smiled back down at her as she ran past him. I turned my head to look at the oldest Otto "what can I do for you Jake?" I asked, washing my hands off in the sink before approaching him. "Do you have any extra ibuprofen you can spare?" "What do you need ibuprofen for?" He looked down "dads been drinking again. I need it so he can make it through the day without a migraine" he spoke softly. "Yeah let me get it" I sighed, walking back to the storage room to grab one of the small spare bottles we have. I returned to him, handing him the bottle. "Thank you" he smiled, grabbing the bottle before heading back out the way he came in. I shook my head and finished cleaning up the exam room before heading off to my next patient.

After a long and tiring day, I trudged to the mess hall to grab my dinner. Saying my usual hellos to Gretchen and making my way over to Char and Jake. But to my surprise, Troy was sitting there chatting with them as they all proceeded to eat their meals. "Hey girl" Char spoke, noticing me first as I sat down next to Troy and across from her and Jake. "Hi baby" Troy whispered in my ear before kissing my cheek. "Hi" I sighed, laying my head in my left hand. "What's wrong with you?" Jake questioned, mouth full of potatoes as he tried to keep speaking only to have Char smack his arm. "Don't talk with your mouth full!" she shouted, rolling her eyes at the boy next to her. Her attention then turned to me "yeah what's wrong?" "Nothing I'm just super tired" I sighed, yawning shortly after. "After you eat I'll take you home" Troy replies, kissing my temple as he continued to eat. I just nodded in return, taking small bites of my dinner.

As Troy and I entered my house, we took our shoes off and headed straight up to our room. Since we started seeing each other, Troy pretty much just moved in, which was fine with me because I finally had someone to keep me company, my house finally didn't seem so empty and lonely anymore. As Troy went for the bed, I went through the bathroom door and headed straight to the shower. Peeling off my clothes, I stepped into the hot water. Letting it run down my back and relax my muscles. I sighed, sliding down the wall and pulling my knees to my chest. Minutes passed before the bathroom door opened, and shortly after Troy stepped into the shower. Naked and all and pulled me into his body. My head rested upon his chest, as his hands ran up and down my back. I peered up at him through my wet lashes, my heart started fluttering as I made the next move. Pulling his head down I connected our lips. I sighed deeply, pulling him more into me as I leaned my back against the shower wall. He put one hand beside my head and the other on my waist, then bringing it down to my leg and hoisted it up and around his hips. I moaned when I realized the position we where in and I wanted nothing more than to feel him inside me. We broke apart from the kiss and stared at one another. His eyes where full of lust and I groaned at the sight. My panting could be heard from outside of the shower but I didn't care. He grabbed my face and kissed me hard, slamming me against the shower wall again as we started grinding on one another. I gasped as I felt his member rub against me. "I want you" he whispered in a husky tone "I want you badly" "then take me" I begged. With that he picked me up, my legs wrapped around his waist and carried me into the room. Tossing me on the bed as his tongue explored my body. My core grew wetter and wetter with every touch. And then he finally put it in. I gasped in pleasure, letting the boy who I've loved since a child take me right then and now.

I woke to the sound of a radio going off. I sat up tiredly, the time read 2am and I sighed. "Troy" I whispered, shaking him slightly. "Troy baby, your radios going off" this time shoving his shoulder hard so he would actually wake up. He groaned sitting up and walking over the the dresser where his stuffed laid. "This is Troy, go ahead" the radio buzzed for a bit before Coops voice came over "hey we need you down here. Your fathers askin for ya" "alright Coop I'll be there in a few, over and out" "10-4" Troy sighed before walking back over to the bed and climbing back in. Wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into his chest. I nuzzled my head into his chest and sighed. Feeling myself fall back to sleep. But before I was fully unconscious, I felt him kiss me goodbye and leave for whatever they needed him for.

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