Chapter Four

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Mariska POV

I was sitting on the couch going over my script when I heard noises in the next room. I figured it was Caroline waking up.

Then I heard crying and jumped up running to her room.

"Sweetheart what's the matter." I asked picking her up bouncing back and fourth rubbing her back.

"I fought you weft me" she said sniffling.

"Oh no I was in the other room you wanna come watch cartoons?" I asked her. I feel her nod and carry her to the living room.

I turned on Spongebob and sat her on the couch beside me. As I was going over my script I heard the most heart warming noise ever. Her laugh.

"What's so funny huh?" I ask tickling her stomach.

"Patrick siwy mommy" she said laughing.

"What did he do?" I ask in my lil kid voice moving her to my lap moving my script.

"He fought de fishies wased cawing him Kwusty Kwab!"

"Really?" I asked knowing she said' he thought the fishies was calling him krusty krab.'

"Yeah!! And and and he he gotted mad.." She said excited. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh no!! I lost them." I say looking around starting a game.

"Wost what mommy?" She asked looking around.

"My... TICKLE BUGS!!!!" I started tickling her like crazy. She started squirming and laughing. After I few minutes I stopped. I looked at my watch.

"Wanna go to work with mommy?" She smiled nodding.

I picked her up and gathered our stuff. I grabbed Caroline's coloring books I bought and my purse.

We pull up to the studio and I looked back at Caroline.

"Okay I need you to be super good for mommy and stay with by me and don't walk away. Okay?"

I get out opening her door.

"I'll be mega super DUPER good mommy!" She said proudly.

"Really?!" I asked as I carried her inside with me.

"I'll be the bestest most gooderest " she said holding up her pinkie.

"If you are I'll buy you ice cream later." I say locking her pinkie with mine. I laughed as she made an excited face.

We walked inside and she became super shy. She hid half her face in my shoulder and half with her little hand.

"Hey Mariska who is this little cutie." Kelli asked.

"This is my daughter Caroline. After all the proccesing and waiting I was finally able to take her home." I say proudly. "Caroline can you say Hi." I asked sweetly.

She moved her hand covering her face and waved.

"Well aren't you a cutie pie."

"Caroline that's your aunt Kelli."

"Hi Aunt kelwi" she said shyly.

"Hi!" I introduced her to everyone else and then it was time to start shooting.

"Alright Princess I need you to sit right here okay? And you have to be super quiet and still okay?"

"Yes mommy"

"Okay I love you" I say giving her a hug and a kiss.

"Love you more mommy."

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