Explanation (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

The racoon kept silence as he observed us, before he chuckled, "Interesting! Very interesting! You got me kit! This is really changed my plan!"

The racoon spoke excitedly as he continued, confusing the elemental powers. "Not only did you managed to steal that mega-sized Stealthbot, you also destroyed Vargoba's pirate fleet and defeated the most powerful pirate captain ever existed whom I trained! And now, this?! Finally I can proceed!"

"What on earth is he talking about?" I heard Api asked in confusion to Angin, who shrug at Api in annoyance, "How would I know?"

The racoon chuckled again as his hands twirled the device playfully. "As much as I am interested in you, my business is only with you alone, kit. These guys… well, they can be my subordinates, I don't think they can go inside your non-existent watch anymore."

Dalik grinned, think of his reaction if he saw these as my subordinates! That would be hilarious!

"What I am saying is... I can turn a blind eye to what you did to my lovely face here if you accept my offer. What do you say? Got you interested?"

Api and Angin laughed, while Cahaya chuckled, "Who want to be subordinate to a racoon like you? Ha ha ha ha ha!" Angin said in his laugh.

A tick mark appeared on the racoon's forehead. "Hillarious. Well, my business is with the kit alone, and you can all go to the glass jars, as interesting specimens." We took our fight stands immediately, and the racoon grinned. "Heh, without that watch of yours, you are nothing. Let’s see how you all dance without your master."

He quickly leaped foward, dodging the attacks from Petir with ease. Api, Angin and Cahaya wanted to attack, but I stopped them. "If we use our powers, this whole base will be destroyed! Angin! Api! Cahaya! Take Original and run to safety! Protect him at any cost! Petir and I will handle that racoon! Wait for us at a safe place! I will find you later and we will fix whatever this is! Got it?!"

"Okay!" Angin, Api and Cahaya responded simultaneously. Cahaya grabbed the Original and ran through the opened window with Api and Angin followed suit. I turned my attention to the current fight, Petir kept attacking the racoon which managed to dodge the attacks easily. We need to immoblize his movement somehow.

"Tanah Mencengkam!"

He effortlessly dodged the earth attack. For a small body, that racoon was insanely agile. He looked at the vacant room, with only three of them present, (Daun and Air still asleep) knowing that the kit had escaped. "You think you can run from me?" The racoon swiftly ran out from the medical room through the door.

I quickly turned to Petir, "Go after him! I will catch up with you later!"

Petir nodded and quickly ran out of the room to go after the racoon. I looked at my two remaining counterparts who remain asleep. How can they sleep soundly with all those noises?! It was a miracle that no stray attacks had hit them! Well, time to wake up the most laziest elemental power ever.

"Air, wake up. We have an emergency."


I sighed. This is truly troublesome. "Wake up! Tok Aba Special Ice Chocolate is running out!"

"What? No!" Air abruptly awake, hearing the name of his favourite drink. "Tanah? What happened? How can we be out here? Did we had a mission?"

Boboiboy Elemental Problem [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now