Dreams and Disbelief

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My mind is suspended in a restless place

Urging creativity to author a dreamt-of world

Caught between sleep and an open-eyed whirl

Where many an idea stokes weary thoughts

Reviving their energy in seaming unfinished plots

Hounded with the notion of no accessible conduit

Foiling a foolish pursuit in unleashing an intricate imagination

Laying in a darkened-riddled room of half-finished visions

Praying sleep will subdue desires wrestling about

Taunting the revival of infinite questions

Eagerly attesting to the validity of all doubt

Creativity defiantly emerges in this presence hereabout

Insisting artistry is worth clamoring

Against a haze of uncertainty

For our greatest opponent

Truly lies in disbelief

Devouring the possibility

In everything we almost dare dream

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