Chapter 19

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Quenisha White
I laid in my bed watching YouTube tutorials on how to do hair a better way. I wanted to go to school to do hair and the only way to do that is to know how to do hair really good.

I can braid to the scalp and twist but that's all I can do. I sometimes twist and braid the twin girls and Noah's hair for fun or whenever my step mom isn't home and daddy doesn't know what to do with their hair.

"Ooohhhh that's how you do it" I said as I watched the girl bread her hair. "So I was doing it wrong"

My door opened and Jamya walked in making me raise my eyebrows.

"Why are you in my room?" I asked her.

"Because I wanna be" She said as I rolled my eyes.

"Get out Mya" I told her as she shook her head.

"No I don't want to, I want that" she said pointing to my iPad as I frowned.

"No, I'm on it and you're not about to take it from me just because you want it" I told her as she pouted.

"I want it" She stomped her feet and cried.

"No Mya you have your own things to play with stop trying to take mine. Go play with Ari" I told her.

"She's sleeping" Mya said as I shrugged.

"Well go play with Noah or Aiden or something" I told her.

"No I don't wanna play with them" She said as I sighed.

"Get out of my room Mya I don't wanna be bothered" I told her rubbing my forehead.

"No leave me alone" She said as she sat in my chair that was under my desk.

"Get out of my room Mya!!" I raised my voice a little.

"I'm telling daddy" she cried as she ran out my room going downstairs.

"No you're not about to get me in trouble" I said as I ran behind her. By time I got downstairs she was already snitching on me.

"Daddy Nisha is being mean to me" Mya cried.

"What you mean she being mean to you?" Daddy asked her as I stood there waiting to hear what lie she come up with.

"She won't let me play with her things" Mya said as daddy laughed.

"Well Mya you have your own things to play with why would you wanna play with Nisha things?" Daddy asked her.

"Because she has some cool things and I wanna play with it" Mya folded her arms.

"Well did you ask her nicely for her things or were you trying to boss her around?" Daddy asked her knowing she's bossy and tries to bully people into giving her their stuff.

"I asked her nicely" Jamya lied straight through her twenty teeth.

"You're lying" I said making my presence known.

"No I'm not shut up" Jamya said as she made her way towards me.

"No you shut up and tell the truth" I told her. "Stop trying to get me in trouble, you came in my room trying to boss me around and tryna take my iPad away from me"

"I SAID SHUT UP!!" Jamya screamed as she hit me.

Before I could hit her back or say anything daddy spoke up.

"Aye aye!! What I tell you bout that hitting shit? If I let her hit yo lil ass back I'll be wrong right? Stop thinking you can boss people around into giving you their stuff when you have your own things. She don't have to give you nothing of hers especially when you don't even like sharing your things" daddy said as she stood there and cried. "Go play with sister"

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