They're not all that bad... - Chapter 6

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——Y/n (Your) POV!——

Rich welcomed us in and led us to his basement. It was kind of like Micheal's, but it wasn't as cool, and it didn't have a ton of video games and video game posters everywhere.

"Welcome to our lair!"


Rich walked into a small kitchen to grab some drinks as everyone else began to sit down on the large couch so I followed and sat next to Brooke.

Rich came back with mountain dews, water and Pepsi. Just as I presumed he took Pepsi and didn't offer me the Mountain Dews so I just took water.

"So, Y/n, lets talk about you~." Jake began.

I don't know why, but I felt my cheeks briefly warm up at Jake's statement.

"Target Male Accessible due to no interest in other party."

"What on earth are you talking about?"

"Jake." Was all he said.

"Um, okay, well, what do you want to know?" I asked back.

"How bout we just ask her questions and she answers them to speed this up." Chloe suggested.

Everyone agreed and began the interrogation.

"So, Y/n, what's your favorite subject in school?" Rich asked.

"Well, I kind of like art, the teacher is super chill." (If you don't, you do now for the purpose of the story)

"How about least favorite-" Jenna tried to ask.

"What about your least favorite subject?" Chloe asked, glaring at Jenna.


"What do you like to do in your spare time?"

"Listen to music, do anything on my phone, and whatever I feel like doing." I answered. "Are you ever going to pipe in and tell me what to say?"

"I don't see a reason to, you're doing just fine." He answered. I smiled at his answer, it was nice to know that he thought I was doing a good job on my own.

After awhile, and a lot of questions, they finally started to gossip about stuff, which is totally what I expected to happen. The second Jake left the room, they even started to gossip about him.

"Madeline told Jake: I'll only have sex with you if you beat me at pool. And then she lost at pool. Deliberately!" Chloe said.

"That is so awesome." Brooke giggled.

"Brooke!" Chloe yelled.

"I mean slutty!" Brooke fixed.

"Agree with them, if you continue to have the same negative opinion, they will absolutely love you."

But, you're just a computer... [SQUIP x Fem. Reader]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon