The Other Squips - Chapter 8

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——Y/n (Your) POV!—

I walked into the crowded hallways once again. It was my lunch period now and I just needed to find Jermey and Michael to tell them that I won't be eating lunch with them today. I assumed I would have to just maneuver around everyone else in the hallway, but that wasn't the case. People were making a sort of path for me to walk through, just like how Chloe parted the crowd earlier today.

I finally spotted a Jeremy-less Michael standing at his locker.

"Hey, Mikie!" I called for him.

"Hm? Oh, hey popular Y/n." He chuckled.

"Oh shut up, I'm not that popular."

"Like hell you are! You're the talk of the school! I'm even proud!" Michael smiled.

"Really? Well, thanks, Michael!"

Michael looked off to the side a bit. "Actually, have you seen Jeremy lately? I think he's been ignoring me..." He said in a slightly disappointed tone. "He probably wouldn't want me to tell you this, but he actually got one of those 'script' things... "

"You mean Squip?"

"Yeah! That!" Michael fixed. "He's been ignoring me ever since he got one..."

"May I talk to him for a moment?" Eric asked.

"Um, sure, I guess."

Eric placed his hand on my neck, most likely connecting to my soundbox. "If he's ignoring you then his Squip is definitely active, his Squip might even be blocking you from his field of vision," I said, well, Eric said, technically.

"Jesus... how'd you figure that out?" He asked.

Eric removed his hand from my neck to let me answer this question. "It just makes sense, it's an insanely powerful supercomputer that's implanted in the brain, it probably has access to stuff like that," I said. "Wait, how do you know about Squips?"

"Oh, yeah, when you left my house the other day, Jeremy told me everything about your encounter with Rich, he even made me drive him to Payless to get him one," Michael explained. His expression dropped from a sad one to more of a disappointed one. "I'm not too fond of this, 'supercomputer'..."

I raised one of my eyebrows in a worried manner. "Why?"

"Why? It's just weird! It's just weird how I can't find anything on the internet about it because, well, it's the internet!" He said.

"Well, what if he did get one, and it did work?" I asked, knowing that it worked.

Michael smiled, although he still seemed worried. "It would be amazing if it worked! That just proves that there is such advanced technology out there!" Michael exclaimed. "Although I would still be worried."

I adorably huffed. "Yep, it would be cool, and it totally makes sense why you would be worried..." I threw him a genuine smile.

"Yeah... Oh! I just realized, we need to get to lunch!" Michael reminded me.

"Oh right! Actually, that's why I wanted to talk to you."

"Hm?" Michael hummed.

"I'm going to eat lunch with Jake today, sorry." I nervously chuckled. Michael gave me a smirk.

"Are you trying to get Jakey D's, 'Jakey D'?" He suggestively asked.

My face flushed. "S-shut up!" I exclaimed. "I just wanted you to know, I'll still come over to your house after school, so don't think I abandoned you for 'cooler' friends." I gestured air quotes when I said the word 'cooler'.

But, you're just a computer... [SQUIP x Fem. Reader]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt