Wanna be lazy together? - Chapter 9

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——Y/n (Your) POV!——

I slammed the doors open to my house and just announced my presence.

"THE BEST BITCH HAS COME HOME!" I screeched, throwing my hands in the air. I saw my mom peer her head around the corner. "Oh hey mom, didn't think you'd be back yet." I giggled, slowly lowering my arms.

"Yes, I'm home- and please watch your language, sweetie." Mom said, walking back into the bathroom to probably finish laundry it something.

"Y/n, now that your home, grab something to eat and drink, and we can do your homework then we can do whatever." Eric smiled as he guided me to the kitchen. "And no mountain dews!" He scoffed as he walked up the stairs to presumably grab my laptop.

"Fiiiiinnneee~." I opened the fridge door to be greeted by all of these wonderful Mountain Dew flavors that I'm not allowed to drink. Such as throwback, Cold Fusion Freeze, Whiteout, Dew.S.A, X-Treme, and a bunch more. I groan as I reach past the drinks and grabbed the bottle of orange juice and a container of watermelon.

"Why the f do you have those flavors? Out of all of the flavors, only those? I feel personally targeted." Eric complained, he re-appeared in the kitchen with my laptop in hand. "Also, for the record, I still hate this garbage technology. I'm 99.0262% better."

"May I remind you of how you're literally jealous of a computer?"

"I'm sorry, is a supercomputer not allowed to assert it's dominance over a computer or is the word 'super' not enough of a flex?" Eric spat. I giggled at his response.

but then I got an idea.

"When you go into you physically form, people can see you, right?" I asked for confirmation.

"Yes? Why? What in the world are you planning?"

"Why don't you just go into your physical form to hang around the house with me, talk to you aloud, watch a movie, be able to cuddle you because your fucking adorable without it looking weird, and so my mom can meet you." I promoted.

But, you're just a computer... [SQUIP x Fem. Reader]Where stories live. Discover now