Sleeping in the Same Bed

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Stiles tries not to think about it too much, because he knows that would lead to over analyzing everything about the situation. So, Stiles doesn't ask, or even mention it, and Derek does the same.

It's started roughly two years ago, just after Derek and Scott started getting along and fighting together instead of each other. Derek had opened the window to Stiles' room, carefully crawled in and got into bed without waking Stiles. The teenager woke up in the middle of the night, gasping at the werewolf laying only inches away from him, but his sleep-clouded brain waved it off and he fell back asleep.

That's how the beginning went, Derek would come over a couple times a month after Stiles had already fallen asleep, Stiles would wake in the middle of the night, then Derek would be gone in the morning.

Eventually, it escalated to Stiles still being awake. He would still be twisting and turning under the covers, trying to rid his mind of whatever was troubling Beacon Hills at the time, and Derek would come into his bedroom. It got to the point where Stiles would sigh in relief when the alpha got into bed with him, because if Stiles was too worked up and kept squirming, Derek would put a firm arm around him to hold the male still so he could rest. In turn, Stiles would fall asleep too. It was becoming more frequent at this point.

Sometimes Derek would even show up while Stiles was sitting up in bed, scrolling through his phone until Derek toed off his shoes, took the device, and forced Stiles to go to bed as well.

Now, two years later, Derek comes multiple days a week. Stiles can be sitting at his computer, typing away—whether it's homework or pack research—and Derek will get comfortable in bed, falling asleep hours before Stiles joins him.

Throughout this entire experience though, three things remained constant: they never talk, there's rarely any touching (unless it's Derek holding Stiles still), and Derek is always gone by morning.

"Stiles," Derek utters, standing restlessly by the boys window, shifting his weight between feet every few seconds. Stiles swivels around in his computer chair with an arched brow, features softening at the werewolf's shaken expression. "Can I stay?" He whispers, glancing up for a moment with just his eyes.

"Of course," Stiles assures as soon as he regains his composure, "You're always welcome to stay, Derek, you know that."

One rule broken.

"Will...will you come lay with me?" He asks quietly, to the point where Stiles almost misses the question. "Yeah. Yeah, sure. Just uh, let me shut down my computer, alright? I'll be over in a minute," Stiles attempts a small smile, but this is completely different from their normal sleepovers—if that's what you can call them.

As promised, Stiles gets everything turned off and makes his way over to the bed. Derek is sitting up, staring into his lap where his hands are. Stiles pulls back the bedding and climbs under, as does Derek. Almost immediately, the werewolf closes the space between them and lays his head on Stiles' chest. He listens to the way Stiles' heart beats, a bit quicker than normal, but that's to be expected with Derek's sudden change in attitude.

Two rules broken.

Stiles has always assumed that Derek has nightmares—which he wouldn't hold against the alpha considering his past—and wants to be with someone so he isn't alone. Something is obviously different tonight though, and Stiles can't help but wonder what his dream was about to make him like this, to change the pattern after all these months.

Derek bunches the fabric of Stiles' shirt into his fist, taking deep breaths through his nose.

"Get some sleep, Derek," Stiles murmurs, rubbing a hand soothingly through the werewolf's hair. He does this for an hour or so, until he's one-hundred percent sure Derek has fallen asleep.

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