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I'm at work but seems like a good time to update 🤷🏼‍♀️


""Come to the Ball, Stiles, it'll be fun. Come to the Ball Stiles we really want you there,"" Stiles mocks as he keeps the punch bowl company. Sure, it's fun when you have a date and you know exactly what said date is wearing so you can sneak around like schoolgirls giggling and holding hands. Stiles wishes he hadn't agreed, but Scott pulled the you've-dragged-me-into-the-woods-in-the-middle-of-the-night card so Stiles owes him one, but just one, 'cause this is miserable.

He brings the plastic cup to his lips and takes a small sip, wrinkling his face at the taste. "I waste my time coming here and they don't even have good beverages," Stiles mumbles to himself, staring down at the cup in disgust. "Doesn't sound like you're having a very good time," a voice comments from behind him. Flushed, Stiles turns around, of course he would be caught talking to himself. "Oh, I don't know, me and this bowl we're getting along good for awhile," Stiles shrugs off as he's scanning this guy up and down. When he can't see their face, he might as well evaluate the rest of him.

He's wearing a black fitted suit with a crimson red vest under, and a white bow tie. His mask is half red, color coordinating with the vest, and the other is black with red details. He has dark hair that sticks up past the mask and a nice jaw line, plus a seemingly fit body.

"Maybe you could enjoy the company of another person?" The man suggests and offers out his hand. And dare Stiles think that this night just might be looking up. "People are better conversationalists," Stiles grins and takes his hand, allowing himself to be guided through the crowds of other masked people.

Stiles really hadn't noticed the music until now, but it sounds old, something very classic and slow, not that he minds. Stiles places one hand on the guys shoulder and the other in his hand. They move in sync with each other, slowly rotating around. The man moves his hand on Stiles' side, fingers brushing up and down ever so slightly from time to time. They're closer now, Stiles nearly has his chin resting on top of this strangers shoulder and their chests are resting together.

"So," Stiles whispers, "Do I get to know the masked mans name?" He chuckles quietly, and despite how warm Stiles is, he gets goosebumps. "Derek," he finally says, "You?"

"Stiles," he replies, realizing his name doesn't pack a punch, not as much as Derek does at least. When he thinks of the name Derek, it's a masculine guy with intimidating features, someone who means business, which pretty much makes sense for this Derek.

"Stiles," Derek repeats back to him, his voice curious. But Stiles thinks his name sounds much better when Derek is speaking it, he sounds more interesting. Then again, Derek could call him Miesczyslaw and he would probably like the sound of his own name better.

"If you didn't want to come, why did you?" Derek inquires, refurring back to Stiles complaining to himself at the refreshment table. "A friend dragged me here, then ditched me for his girlfriend. But as it turns out, I'm glad I came," he blushes lightly, now glad Derek can't see his face, or rather the portion of his face that isn't hidden by the mask. "What about you, did you come alone?"

"," Derek seems hesitant, "My family is sort of the ones who are holding the Ball and they asked me to attend."

"I guess you're lucky I came alone then," Stiles remarks, figuring that mentioning Dereks family being loaded would probably scare him off. "Not as lucky as you," Derek smirks, suddenly pulling back, "Come on."

"Wha-where are we going?" Stiles asks as he's, once again, being pulled through a crowd of people. He bumps into a few couples dancing and shouts apologies behind him. "Derek," he exclaims in a quiet screech, attempting to not draw any more attention. Stiles is laughing and squeezing Derek's hand once he finally catches up, nearly tripping over himself.

"Now can you tell my where you're taking me?" Stiles tries again, now that it's quieter since they've distanced themselves from the body of people. "It's a surprise."

"Are you luring me in with your charms so you can kill me?" Derek glances over at him and grins, rolling his eyes. Stiles bites his lip to hold back a smile, how in the hell has he developed a crush on someone so fast. He stays quiet for the rest of the walk, just enjoys the company of Derek's fingers intertwined with his.

"We're here," Derek announces and pushes past a set of double glass doors. Light sensors quickly detect them and one by one, the room lights up. "Wow," Stiles breathes, slowly scanning the greenhouse to take it all in. Whoever did this planted by color, and it's definitely the most beautiful rainbow nature has ever created, with a little help from man.

Derek leaves his side for a moment, but Stiles is too caught up in the view to really notice. "Here," Derek holds out a white rose that he's spinning between two fingers, loving the goofy smile he gets as a reaction. Stiles accepts it with tinted cheeks, and at this point, Stiles thinks he might be the schoolgirl, not Scott and Allison.

"My mother has a lot of free time," Derek tells him while nodding his head. He used to come to do homework in this room when he was in high school. Of course, now there's a small pond with coy fish and even more flowers than before. "Most people plant a garden in their backyard," Stiles laughs and holds the rose closer to his face to hide the embarrassment. Only, Derek gently grabs his wrist and pulls in away. He places his hands on the side of Stiles' face and meets his brown eyes to ask permission. And Stiles, so lost in these pair of mesmerizing green-blue eyes, can only manage to barely nod his head.

He gulps as Derek carefully pulls his mask away to uncover his face. Stiles honestly just fears the worst, because being with someone has never been this easy, and what if Derek is repulsed by his face or something. However, Derek smiles fondly once he has completely removed the mask, running the pad of his thumb over Stiles' cheekbone. Stiles realizes he must have the dumbest expression on his face right now but could care less. He reaches up to do the same for Derek, slipping the mask upwards and messing Derek's hair up a little bit. And if it's possible, Derek is more handsome than Stiles anticipated, not that it would make a difference to him.

They're just staring at each other in the middle of the greenhouse, Derek still cupping Stiles' face. "Hi," Stiles manages to utter quietly, earning a wide smile from Derek. "Hi."

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