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Eh, why the hell not. Might as well start posting these since the collection is growing.


Stiles wakes to his alarm blaring obnoxiously beside him. Everyday he is astonished by Derek sleeping through the loud noise.

He squeezes his eyes shut and buries his face even further into Derek's chest. Stiles would much rather sleep in with his werewolf than go to school. Nonetheless, he's dragging himself to the bathroom a couple minutes later to shower.

The water comes out cold for a minute before warming up to Stiles' liking. Just as he goes to switch it over, his tired eyes catch a slight movement and he's instantly pulling his hand away. Stiles feels as if he's staring at the spider and it's starting back at him. He's sprinting back to the bedroom in seconds, hopping onto the bed with little regard for where he lands.

Derek grunts and pushes the teens knee from his stomach. "Stiles," he groans, turning even further away. "No. No, Derek you don't understand. I need to shower before school but there's a spider in your bathroom!" Stiles voice turns to whine when Derek doesn't budge. "Please." Derek's sighs and opens his eyes, sending his boyfriend and unamused look, even though Stiles straddling him is a nice sight.

Derek puts himself into a sitting position, his face inches from the other males. "Why can't you do it yourself?" Stiles frowns at the question and slings both arms over Derek's shoulders. "Because I'm not a big bad werewolf. What if that things poisonous?!" Derek shakes his head before gentling kissing Stiles for a moment. He smiles after pulling away and says, "You're an idiot." Stiles immediately glares at him, earning a kiss on the nose before Derek climbs from beneath him.

Stiles sits cris-cross on their bed until Derek comes back into the room a minute later, a dead spider on his hand. The teens face wrinkles into a cringe. "Wanna see it?" Derek asks with a smirk tugging at his lips. "Derek," Stiles warns, "I swear to god..." he trails off, holding his finger out as if it'll stop the wolf from getting any closer. "Derek. Derek. Derek! No, Derek!" Stiles nearly screams, leaping from the mattress like his life depends on it.

"Okay. Okay, I'm done. Look," Derek puts his arms out in front of him and drops the corpse into the trash, tilting his head to the side. Stiles slowly nods and makes his way over to Derek. "Thank you," he grumbles then throws his arms around Derek's middle and stares up at him. Derek leans down to peck the boy with a smile. "But I still hate you," Stiles states. Derek rolls his eyes. "Go take your shower."

Stiles grins, making Derek huff at whatever idea the younger male has thought of. "Since you're awake..." Stiles suggests, hoping Derek will catch on. "I think you can shower by yourself," Derek chuckles, now attempting to get out of his boyfriends embrace. "Yeah, or..." Stiles tangles his fingers into Derek's hair and pulls him down, connecting their lips.

Stiles considers him being lifted from the floor as a 'yes', his legs squeezing Derek's torso.

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