1 |"Oh, S.S. Georgie."

Start from the beginning

From all the words that she said which felt like 20, parents were the only ones I could hear clearly. It put me in a daze. That word was a word she hasn't heard in a very long time. Well, at least she heard it but certainly not connected to her in any way.

She slowly staring up at Linda, her eyebrows saddened. "My parents?" She said her soft quiet voice reminded her of how Eleven never heard of the word 'friend'. It came out from her mouth like an alien coming from another planet.

"What did you think I said!? They're coming over tomorrow and you better cover for me." Linda's attitude worsened.

Scarlet sighed and looked at her still locked on her daze yet she thought why would I cover for her. Linda's a Bitch and Her parents probably wouldn't even care since they left her with Linda anyway. "Why would I cover for you?!" She said her voice sounding like it had a double meaning. 'what's the catch?' Or 'whats in it for me'

Linda's face scrunched for a second. Then she looked down her gaze practically towering over Scarlet. "Because if you don't this summer and school will be hell for you and your deadbeat friends." Like if already wasn't Scarlet thought.

"And even if you did tell them who would they believe? Me over a mistake like you." she snarled at her. Like every other time, Linda knew how to shut her down. Maybe that's why she gets so bullied so easily. She lowered her head and remained quiet.

"Alright bitch face I'm going to a friend's house. I'm coming back tomorrow and I better see everything cleaned." Linda adds. Her eyes narrowed down waiting for Scarlet to say something, then she left the room slamming the door shut.

Scarlet Huffed in disappointment. "Whatever" Scarlet ignored the sounds of the car outside leaving the driveway. She locked the front door and turned away grabbing her backpack.
She ran up the stairs to her room stumbling on the way up pouring all the stuff in her backpack onto the bed.

Scarlet's bedroom contains a medium-sized bed that sits in the corner of the room with a window above it and a death star carpet below. If you look up you can see floating candles from harry potter strung to the sealing. The room had posters of bands drawing, painting, and pictures plastered along the walls. There was a closet next to the bed and had shelves that stretched across her room one full of books and one full of movies.

"Books, loose papers, ew not gonna touch it, rappers, this isn't mine,-" she said sorting out the junk in her bag but as she stacked the loose papers a tiny paper boat fell out.

"Oh, S.S. Georgie." She read taking it in hand and placing it to the side. Scarlet's best friend Chloe had just watched the 2017 remake of IT and became a fangirl for an hour. Even though she says she doesn't fangirl she's pretty sure her squealing about the plot and characters is fangirling. Anyway, Scarlet thought about the movie and hadn't seen it in a good while she decided she could try it out.

Scarlet went to the shelf near her bed with all different kinds of movies in it like Back to the Future, Goonies, and Disney movies.

She scanned the shelf for the movie that Chloe talked about and grabbed it. She turned it over reading the back of the DVD. It's just about some boy who lost his brother and fights an evil clown to get him back right? She'll be fine. "what could go wrong I've been in worse." she mutters glancing up at Killer Clowns from Outer Space.

She turned around to the TV that was set on a big table that was short enough to put your leg on it without struggling but big enough do that a 6-year-old couldn't climb on it. She took the DVD out of the case letting it play so all the ads, and commercials pass by. She clicked play once it gets to the main menu and ignoring the creepy piano music.

Subsequently, Scarlet quickly grabs her purple backpack off her floor and sets it on her bed crinkling her sheets while scanning her room for anything she needs.  She scrambled across the room for an old walkman with a cassette from her drawer and carefully puts it inside.

She takes out some bandages knowing that she'll most likely need them, 4 pairs of comfortable clothes, a flashlight, a switch knife since they are going to fight and evil clown, a long rope- if they need it as she did in The Goonies, some hand wipes, her Polaroid, and most importantly a bag of lollipops.

Scarlet shoves on her maroon high tops on her feet as the movie plays and shoves the backpack over her shoulders firmly holding it on her back. Scarlet glances to a clock above her bed setting her watch to 4:30 pm. She then walks backward bumping into her wall.

Taking one step closer, she calms her breathing then she dashes at the T.V at the last moment she jumps through the screen! Feeling warm around the tips of her body navy blue and milky white light outline her form shining brightly as she goes through.

An Oval hole rips out from the open and the navy and milky white lights show up around forming the shape. The girl pops out stumbling forward onto the middle of a street somewhere in a neighborhood a forest surrounding behind her. 

Scarlet gets on her feet breathing heavily dusting off her close which wouldn't be the last time. She looks behind her and grabs a rock. She pulls a lollipop wrapper from her pocket and places it under the rock next to the portal as it closes.

She looks around feeling the sunlight touch her nose and pigtails. She starts her adventure brushing her bangs to the side her feet dragging through the gravel on the floor as she walks through the dull town toward Derry High passing different shops and buildings that remind her of Detroit.

☆JUMP! | .richie tozierWhere stories live. Discover now