Chapter 11- SCP-939(s)

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I was in my containment chamber like usual, except that calum was asleep with his head on my lap. He was always the most quiet and less trusting. In fact, he said it himself that he only has ever trusted me. I swear, I'm technically a father because of them. At least it's better than the twins. (He's not talking about Mokoto and Ginji).

I started to ruffle his hair.'out of all of them, Calum is the most behaved.'

Ever since they came here two months ago, they've been doing tests almost every day. On Calum, Ginji, and Blaze especially...

"SCP-5000" The intercom went off. It also woke Calum up. He seemed upset, but was still resting on my lap. "We are testing you with another SCP today."

I tried to get up but Calum refused to get off. "N-Nu" He is so childish... I gently pushed him off. "I'll be back ok?" He crossed his arms and looked to the side as I got up.

They opened the door and I walked through.

~Time Skip~

We were in front of a containment door with a sign for SCP-939. The guards left upstairs and they opened the door. It was another room. When the door behind me closed the other one in front of me. I walked out and into the room. It was dim. The smell of rotting flesh and blood filled my nose.

I looked around and I saw a four legged animal walk up to me. It barely looked like an animal but I don't know what to call it. This must be 939.

I kneeled down and held my hand out a bit. Then more came into view and I retracted my hand but stayed kneeling. About nine more appeared I would say. One that was bigger than the rest came up to me and the smaller one that was near me went back to the rest.

It stopped about a feet or two away from me. We looked at each other for a while until he got closer and sat down. I swear, it's nose could Boop mine. It's skin was blood red with spike like things coming out from its spine and some on its head. It had no eyes, so it either must have it hidden or relies on its other senses.

I raised my hand and rubbed my index finger and my thumb together making a light rubbing sound. It's spikes raised as it was happening. When I stopped it's spikes started to rest. It relies on sound.

I sat down on the floor because the kneeling position was making me sore. That's when I noticed the smaller ones surrounded me and the bigger one and they were sitting. I was quite curious about what's happening and what's about to happen.

The bigger ones head started to rest on my lap. That's when the lights went out. After I few seconds I decided to touch the one that was resting on me to feel hair. I felt skin, and when I touch it's hand, it wasn't there. It was more like a beasts claw if I had to guess. I didn't bother using my ability to see in the dark because it would give me a headache.

I heard a light growl which, oddly enough, sounded more like a pur. I ruffled what I believed to be the top of its head. The sound grew louder. That's when the intercom went off. "5000! What's happening in there!"

I stayed silent. I then felt its hair start to change into a more ruff substance. I assume it was turning back into the form it was originally in. I lifted it's head of me and stood up. Then the door opened. A light pierced through the dark telling me where to go. I went to the door and went through it. After it closed I heard multiple scratches, they were clawing at the door.

The guard with the light pressed a button in the room. Then a minute later the door opened and there was light. So either these two rooms lights turned off and the rest stayed lit or it just turned back on. We walked through and the door closed behind us. The guard took off it's helmet to reveal a person I knew well. Kinda...

It was Ash. "Feeling better after the thing with 231-7 I see." Then doctor Iceberg appeared with Kondraki. "I hardly see you two together, even if you both are assigned with me."." We have a question, what happened after the lights went out?" Kondraki asked.

"So that's not normal, and the cameras didn't have night vision"


"All I did was pet one of the 939s. The biggest one if you want me to be more specific."

Kondraki's eyes narrowed.

"Ash, take 5000 back, me and Kondraki need to talk."

Ash nodded and started to walk away and I followed him. After we got a few doors away I decided to ask Ash a question. "How do you feel? After all, I am quite curious"

He stayed silent. I don't like the silent treatment. I walked faster, turned around, and stopped in front of him. He stared at me. "It's rude not to give someone an answer."

Then he finally started to speak. "I'm fine. Get back behind me and follow." I decided to do what he said and followed him to my containment chamber.

We are done with lore for know. Also, is it me or does ash seem a little off?


Word count: 939


Deadly Lovers (Yandere!Scps X Male!Scp!Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon