Chapter 11 : Time with you is all I want

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Chapter 11 is here~ yay I don't own junjou romantica at all but that doesn't matter~ anyway let the chapter start!

Misaki POV

I looked over at Akihiko with confusion, my vision had begun to level out however the pain within me was still rising in altitude. I didn't understand why Akihiko was so insistent in blaming himself for my pain.

"Aki-Akihiko what do you mean?..."

How could any of this possibly be your fault? You're the most kind person I've ever met Akihiko.

My silver haired lover shook his head sadly, he looked at me with his lavender eyes as if he were grieving my death, it pained me to see my lover looking so helpless.

"You know how I was following you even before you could see me?.."

Akihiko's voice sounded hesitant as if he was afraid to tell me his reasons, I wanted so badly to hold his kind warm hands and cheer him up, yet I knew that if I did, I'd be struck with even more pain and Akihiko would become even more upset.

I don't care about my pain... However if my pain is causing your heart to hurt, then I'll do my best to prevent extra pain for myself and you.

"Yes I do remember... What does that have to do with anything?"

Akihiko took a breath to settle himself before he spoke.

"Well I didn't know this then but I've just realized I needed energy to be able to be seen.."

I cocked my head to the side, I was confused about how Akihiko needed energy to be seen.

"So what energy did you use?"

I clenched my teeth and winced as a jolt of pain attacked my lungs, it felt like it was melting away. In a sense I was actually melting away, I was fading away into nothingness as me and Akihiko spoke, neither of us were able to do anything about it.

"..... I unconsciously started to use your life force... I was so desperate to see you and make you happy that I just used the easiest source of energy available... I'm so sorry..."

Akihiko was starting to tear up, I had to stop myself from trying to pat my lover on the back cheer him up, I didn't care that he's been using my life force.

Sure I didn't want to die.. But the time I've spent with Akihiko after he returned to me is worth over a million lifetimes, I don't mind that he used my life force, it was an accident.

I smiled sadly at my silver haired lover, I knew that he must be hurting so much, I then looked down towards my mostly transparent hands.

It seemed so weird to be able to see through myself, I couldn't even see through Akihiko even though he was a ghost.

"Akihiko I don't care, you've brought me so much happiness ever since you've returned. I probably would still be in pain and upset from your death if you hadn't come back to me, for that I'm thankful Akihiko. No matter what mistakes you've made, I'm truly thankful to you for once again bringing me happiness. I may be suffering from this pain, however that doesn't matter at all, all that matters is that I got to see you again my please, don't be upset Akihiko.."

I suddenly felt weak as if my strength was being chipped away into nothing, I looked down at my body only to see that I was barely visible, I looked over at Akihiko and saw that his lavender eyes that I loved so much had become filled with fear. I understood my lovers fear, I was also afraid of disappearing, yet I knew that it was going to happen whether I liked it or not.

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