chapter twenty six

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Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.


Bryce's death was taking its toll on Sawyer's friend group. Everyone had become a suspect, but Sawyer and Tyler tried to stay out of it. They could get in so much trouble for how many secrets they had. So they kept it to themselves. They had each other's back.

Sawyer and Tyler were at a weird place in their relationship. They loved each other and were the most important thing in each other's life but they weren't dating. They were passionate but never did anything more than hug.

Sawyer loved Tyler and wanted to be with him more than anything in the world. But he had been through so much and she didn't want to treat him like a victim. But she also didn't know if he was ready, if he was stable enough.

They hung out almost everyday and Sawyer was getting tired of it. She wanted to know what the end goal of them being together. No answer would make her mad, she just needed an answer.

It was a Saturday at the end of November. They decided they were just gonna stay at Sawyer's house to watch movies. And since her sister was at a dance competition all day, the house was free to them.

Sawyer had her hair down straight past her shoulders, she was wearing a brown sweater with black leggings and was drinking a cup of coffee from her keurig.

It was around 10:30 am when Tyler came over, she saw his mom had driven him since she saw the car in her driveway. Sawyer opened the door and welcomed him with a smile.

"Hey hun, come on in." She said, and he walked in. Tyler put his jacket on the hanger in the front hallway before walking towards her kitchen. "Want anything to drink?" Sawyer finishes as she refills her coffee.

"I'll just take a water, thanks." Tyler says as he sat down on her couch. Her living room and kitchen were connected so they were still in communication. She brought her coffee mug and his glass of water and put them both on the coffee table.

"So I've narrowed it down to two genres, musicals or horror." Sawyer says as she holds up two movies of each genre. Dirty Dancing and Mamma Mia in one hand and Annabelle and Texas Chainsaw Massacre in the other.

"All good options." Tyler smiles at her. "I gotta go with horror though" And grabs Texas Chainsaw Massacre from her hand and putting it in the DVD player. Sometimes they used Netflix or Hulu. But sometimes they used the DVD player.

Even though she had seen the movie almost a hundred times, she still got scared and every time she did, Tyler held her a bit closer. By the end, they were full on cuddling but hadn't said a thing.

The credits pulled up on the screen and neither of them really wanted to come, Sawyer looked down at the carpet and took a deep breath. It was now or never. She moved away from him.

"So I think we need to talk" Sawyer says, moving her hair into a messy bun and looking at him.

"Okay." Tyler says nervously, adjusting to move with his back straighter against the couch. "What about?"

"What are we? I mean, yeah, we're friends. But don't you think there's something more going on here? I may just be talking out of my ass and I'm wrong but.." Sawyer starts talking but is cut off by Tyler. And sooner than later, she felt his lips on hers.

They laid back on the couch but around five minutes later, Tyler stops the kissing and moves her hair out of her face. "What do you say we go get lunch so I can take my girlfriend out?" He asks, emphasizing on the 'girlfriend.'

"Yeah, yeah. I'd like that." Sawyer says before they kiss one more time. And finally, even though they had been through so much bad together, they had an ounce of good going on.

// AHHHH this chapter is so short, im so sorry i just wanted something to get published tonight so i didn't fall behind. i was wondering what you guys thought about me making a justin prentice fic? i love him but obviously i wouldn't want to make a Bryce fic because ew but yeah give me your thoughts about that!! remember to vote, comment and leave feedback!! thanks guys! love you!!

word count : 749

Like I Can | Tyler DownNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ