chapter twenty four

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"Well what do you want to talk about?" Tyler asks and Sawyer takes a deep breath.

"Tyler, you know you can tell me anything." She says and she sits next to him on his bed and grabs his hand. "I'd do anything for you."

"Sawyer, I don't know what you're talking about." Tyler shakes his head but she felt his hand shaking in hers.

"Ty, Bryce Walker called me today. Bryce Walker doesn't call me. He doesn't have the nerve too unless something is really this important. And you're really this important to me." She squeezes his hand.

"Not like this." Tyler shakes his head and stands up, shaking. "Can we go somewhere?"

"Yeah, yeah sure." Sawyer follows him and they go outside and get into her car.

"Where are we going?" She asks and pulls out her phone for her GPS.

"School. The dark room." Tyler says, she was confused but puts her phone away and starts driving.

"School? It's Saturday. How are we gonna get in there?" Sawyer asks

"I have a key for yearbook." Tyler says, usually this was a time when Sawyer would make a joke but it seems like this is too serious for a joke so she just nodded.

She parked in a parking spot close to the entrance since no one else was there. Sawyer followed Tyler and they went to the dark room.

Tyler was shaking through the whole time of walking, Sawyer was terrified, something was really making him nervous.

There were no words exchanged, he put a flash drive in his computer and giving her a pair of earbuds. Sawyer was confused and took a deep breath before pressing play.

It was a fifteen minute or so video all of Tyler talking. By the third minute, Sawyer was crying. Tyler was pacing around the room, no one had seen this video. No one knew what happened in the bathroom except the four people in there.

She was tapping her foot quickly taking deep breaths, she couldn't listen to this. But it was for Tyler and she hadn't put her life at risk to not know the full story.

At the end of the video, she had full tears pouring down my face. She took her earbuds off and looked at him. Sawyer was terrified to touch him, she didn't want to hurt him. He deserved better than what he got and she was gonna make sure he got justice.

Sawyer stood up and walked over to him, she didn't know what to say, they both had tears in their eyes. Neither of them said anything but she reached out her hand, he could take it if he wanted but he didn't have too.

But he did. He took her hand and she wrapped her arms around him, she was a bit smaller than him so her head rested on his chest and he finally let it all out. Sawyer let him cry for hours, by the time they left it was 3pm and they got there at 11am.

But she struggled to find what to do next. This wasn't something she could tell anyone, it wasn't her place. She wanted to kill Monty, she had never felt this much anger towards someone in her life. And she wondered if Bryce knew and he was trying to egg her on. There were so many thoughts running through her head interrupted by Tyler talking for the first time in a few hours.

"I lost track of time, I'm so sorry, S." Tyler says, a few hours back, they were on the ground and her head was in her lap at this point and she played with his hair to calm him down.

"Don't worry about it, hun." Sawyer says as he sat up and they were sitting next to each other but their hands were still connected. "Do you wanna talk about anything?"

Tyler shook his head, maybe he wasn't ready and she was gonna respect that. It wasn't her place.

"Do you wanna tell anyone?" Sawyer asks.

"I think I want to tell Bryce." He says, as much as it confused her - it was his choice. "He seems to be really confused about it and I did pull a gun on him." Tyler says, looking at the ground.

"You don't have to do anything you don't want to do." Sawyer says, putting emphasis on 'anything.' "How about we go get milkshakes and we just go back to one of our houses and just take a day off?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'd like that" Tyler says.

And they spent the rest of their day together. She could barely sleep that night, someone hurt the most important person in her life so bad that we was willing to kill and die because of it. There was a fire in her that was burning.


The next Monday, she got up early for cheer practice before school but when she went back to the locker room when the bell rang, she had a missed call. She looked at the called ID 'Bryce Walker.'

She put her bag on her side, closing her locker  and calling him again. Sawyer thought to herself as she listened to the phone ring, when did this become a thing? This was her best friend's rapist who has hurt so many people.
But he was on her side for once.

"Hey, Sawyer." Sawyer hears him say on the other side of the phone and she sits on the bench outside the locker room.

"Hey, sorry. I was at practice. So, what's up?" Sawyer asks, what was she supposed to say? There wasn't really a friendship between them so she wasn't sure what to say.

"So, I uh, I talked to Tyler yesterday and I think we should meet." Bryce says and she looks down at her tennis shoes before looking at all the students walking into school.

"Yeah. I think that would be a good idea. Um, lets say, five at my house?" Sawyer says. How did her life get like that? How were the roles so reversed that she was putting trust into a rapist? She had a bad feeling in her stomach but if anyone could scare Monty out of ever fucking with Tyler again, it was Bryce.

"See ya then." He says and she hangs up.

"Oh, Sawyer, what have you gotten yourself into?" The blonde asks herself before standing up and going to class.

// Hey y'all so here it is!! I really don't want anyone in the comments being like omg she's so dumb for like hanging out with a rapist because it's my plot man, im just trying to line up her storyline with the show as much as possible. I love you guys tho so don't forget to leave feedback, vote and follow!!

word count :: 1160

Like I Can | Tyler DownDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora