Chapter 5: Sea Salt Milk Foam

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The week flies by. Cameron still sits with us at lunch. I try not to pay attention to him. It's surprisingly hard to do.

He's also still sitting next to me. I distract myself by doing the day's homework so I don't have to do it later. I read Jane Eyre a few more times, and I still cringe at Mr. Rochester.

Before I can glare at Cameron once again, Saturday shows up. I wake up with a groan. The dreaded day has come. I can only hope that it goes by quickly.

I check the weather app. Today is supposed to be up to 72 degrees Fahrenheit— a little colder than usual since September is fast approaching. With this in mind, I pull on a lightweight jacket, smoke blue, and grab my wallet. I make sure to throw in the extra 20-dollar bill. Who knows, Larissa may have forgotten her wallet again. Again.

Both my parents are already at work. There's a note on the counter, probably from my mom. 

There's bread in the freezer. And eggs in the fridge. Love you.


Yep. Called it. Definitely Mom. I take out the pan and turn on the heat, drizzling a little olive oil in it and watching it spread. Then I crack an egg into the pan, the egg yolk sun crackling on an overcast egg white sky. At least that's what I've always thought a fried egg looked like.

The egg sizzles and pops as I drop a frozen piece of bread into the toaster and push it down. The heating coils begin to glow, and I return to the egg. The bottom looks sufficiently fried, so I flip it. The yolk will be perfectly soft and gooey by the time the bread pops back up, magically transformed into toast. I've done this breakfast routine enough times that it's in my muscle memory.

I grab a plate just as the toast pops up. I snatch the toast out of the toaster and plop it on the plate. It looks like I didn't turn up the heat dial enough for it to be perfectly browned, but oh well. The egg looks very ready, so I switch the flames off and carefully pick up the pan. I slide the egg onto my piece of toast, yolk side down. The yolk bursts onto the bread, sunny golden goodness spreading all over and dripping down the sides. Delicious.

My breakfast is gone in a matter of minutes. I wash the dish and the pan, soapy iridescent suds coming up to my wrists. It's 9:30 now. Larissa says we have to meet up at 10 in front of Satsuma, a cafe that's just down the street. Their drinks and snacks all have some form of citrus in them. The tangerine chocolate mocha is great.

I pass the time by reading Jane Eyre for the three millionth time and touching up my history notes with extra little details that I think I missed. There's definitely going to be a surprise test next Wednesday. I just know it.

Just as Jane leaves the grand Rochester household, my phone timer goes off. 9:50. Time to go. I sigh and get up.

I walk out of the house, locking the door behind me. Then I walk down the driveway, hands in the pockets of my jacket. I ignore everyone who passes me on the sidewalk. Not very friendly, I know, but it's honestly better than an awkward "Hi" or "Hello". I know I've had too many of those in my lifetime.

Satsuma's telltale neon sign looms before me. It's glowing orange cursive– all the better to be noticeable. Of course Larissa would want to meet up here.

I look around. It's 10:02. Larissa's late. "Wow," I say out loud. "Just wow."

Two seconds later, I see a mass of chocolate fountain hair barreling towards me. "Rosie! Hi!" Wait, is that Cameron she's dragging behind her?! 

She reaches me and grins a toothy grin. "I saw Cameron walking here along the EXACT SAME route as me, so I decided to walk with him!" More like running with him. Or, more accurately, towing him.

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