Chapter 1

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I suck at conflict.

This of course creates a whole load of irony because of who I am. Why? Because I'm a superhero. Yes, I do save people. No, I don't wear spandex. And no, I did not save the world. Ever.

I leave those sort of things to the professionals.

"Gradient! GRADIENT! Help!" I snapped my head to the left and behold, it was Mrs Grayson. She was an 80-something old lady who purposefully placed her cats in trees in order to have an excuse to see me.

Mentally sighing I made my way to her. The moment I was in reach she latched onto my arm and plastered herself to me.

"Oh, I don't know what I would do without you!" Was her go-to response this time. I felt disgust stir in my stomach at this cougar before me.

I detached my arm from her body and distanced myself from her. I held my hands up.

"Heyy, good to see you too. I see Ginger's got himself stuck again," I lied to her. She nodded and actually made an effort to look sad this time.

"Oh, poor Ginger. He's so very confused — he thinks that trees are his home now."

"Uh huh," I said. I wasn't really listening to what the old hag was saying. I felt my watch vibrate against my wrist and looked down to see the crime icon flashing.

"Shit," I muttered. Got to do this quickly.

I concentrated on the branch Ginger was on and a dull, familiar tingling started in my fingertips. I felt the tree's life flow through me (not into me, there's a difference) and the branch elongated and curled downward towards me.

"Meeeow!" Ginger managed to mewl out and I tugged his claws from the tree branch and gave him back to Mrs Grayson.

"Thanks so much for all your help! Wait," she caught onto my arm as I turned around to leave, "let me give you a kiss as a thank you." She puckered up her dry lips and closed her eyes.

A sort of choked sound escaped me and I pulled back so fast I lost my footing and fell onto my ass. Mrs Grayson gasped and opened her eyes.

"Oh sweetie! Let me help you!"

My eyes widened and I scrambled up and away from her. I started a sprint to my car and ignored the curses behind me.

Getting into my busted up truck (being a superhero doesn't pay that much, don't let the adverts fool you) I put the keys into the ignition and started the car.

I pulled out of the park and headed to one of the city's banks. Along the way I noticed how the trees had gained back their leaves and how lively everything looked and felt. Spring was here and I rolled down my window to breathe in some fresh air. I felt my nerves start to settle and relaxed for a few moments into my seat.

Turning the corner into the CBD I was made aware of all the flashing red and blue police lights.

I hopped out of my car and took notice of three guys in the back seat of a cop car, presumably in handcuffs.

Mildly distracted I bumped into somebody. I reached out to right the person and came face to face with Kyle Hector. AKA the Chief of Frye's Police Department. AKA the 'gorgeous guy in blue' (Mrs Grayson's group of perverted old people actually started a fan base called that. Yuck.) AKA —

The guy who completely and utterly hated my guts.

He snarled at me.

"You!" He pointed a finger in my face. I laughed lightly.

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