"How was it?" I fought a smile at the sound of Jungkook's voice by my ear.

"Not bad for a coffee house singer."

His brows furrowed and he tilted his head in confusion. "Coffee house singer?"

Was he not a coffee house singer? When I first met Jungkook, he was singing at 134340. I just assumed he still was.

My eyes widen and I shake my head. "I-I mean a bar— nightclub singer." I stutter while my brain wrecks itself to create a lie. "Sorry." I nervously chuckle. "Like I said, this isn't my thing. I'm more of a coffee house—"

"Listen, about earlier—"

"Jungkook!" Johnny's hand slams into Jungkook's back which pushed his body closer to mine. I grunt when my body is pinned between Jungkook and the bar, trying to catch my breath until finally Jungkook pulls away.

"Yo." Jungkook acknowledged as Johnny walks by and disappears with Jaehyun.

Jungkook shakes his head and turned to me with the same seriousness as before. "I was—"


This time, both Jungkook and I sigh in frustration. Our heads turn toward Lee who latched on to his arm and sends me a smile— clearly a fake one.

She reached her tippy toes and her lips brush over his ear as she whispers something only he can hear. During this time, my phone vibrated in my hand and I bring it up to my face and my heart drops before it beats furiously in my stomach.

Maisie, it's Jimin.
I need you.

Where do I meet you?


I look up to find Lee pulling her lips away from Jungkook's earlobe. I was too concerned with Jimin's text to care about the fact that she had Jungkook's earlobe between her lips and to notice the seriousness in Jungkook's eyes.

"I- I'll be back soon." Jungkook's hand grips my wrist. "In the meantime—" he searches around and his brows lift when he sees Lucy. He lets go of my wrist to grab Lucy's and pulls her closer to me. "Lucy, take care of her, please. I'll be—"

"I actually have to leave." I said hurriedly, focused on getting to Jimin.

His brows fall and he narrows his eyes at me. "What? Why?"

"It's—" Jimin. "—and emergency."

He wouldn't understand if I told him it was my boyfriend who isn't my boyfriend anymore because I traveled back in time.

"Where are you going?" He's now gripping my wrist and his eyes swirl with worry.

"The hospital. I'm sorry, I have to go."

I turn toward Lucy, smiling softly as I pull her into a hug. I didn't know if she would have or have not been okay with it, but she wrapped her arms around me in return.

"It was nice meeting you." I say. I find Jungkook's eyes again and smile. "Thanks for inviting me. It was great—you were great."

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