Nineteen (Midoriya P.O.V)

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Midoriya watched as villains began streaming into the school he had longed to go to. Just as he dreamed so many time before, he was stepping onto the campus, but not in the way he thought it would be. He pained him that he was part of the plan that caused this, it pained him that somewhere in this school was Bakugo. When he sent the angry boy away last night, he didn't throw up like he usually did. Instead, he talked to Himiko about the plan and then cried on his bed. Bakugo was resourceful. He wasn't going to die today, but it was very possible that he'd get hurt and Midoriya wouldn't be able to deal with it if that happened. So, he decided that he would try to avoid Bakugo at all costs, and instead would carry out his part in this plan.

His red shoes hit the pavement as he moved into the school. Already students were trying to get out to see what the explosion was about. It was obvious that this was causing a panic, and it was exactly what they needed it to be. Another explosion sounded towards the back of the school, their explosion villain had already gotten back there. Midoriya saw a hint of blue as Dabi began catching stuff on fire. Everything was going exactly as it should. His only task was to get information out of the principal's office before police got there, so he wasn't really too pressed about avoiding anyone other than Bakugo. Shigaraki, Nomu and Kurogiri weren't here yet, but they were going to be here soon.

Midoriya climbed steps and had just gotten to the top when a wall was crashed through and Nomu came smashing into them. "So that part has started..?"

"Indeed it has.." He looked and saw Kurogiri and Shigaraki. The handsy villain was scratching as his skin

"There's been a change in plans.." Shigaraki stated "We've got word that All Might is holed up in the staff room.. you need to lure him to the roof" Himiko stepped around the corner and waved. She slowly became a girl who he recognized from the U.S.J incident. A brown haired girl with rosey cheeks. Midoriya sighed, realizing what he needed to do.

"Okay, I've got it." Midoriya stepped into Kurogiri and came out in front of the staff room. He pulled his mask down, grabbed Himiko and pressed the knife he bought from that weird man carefully against her neck.

"Aizawa-sensei!! All Might-sensei! Help!" The brown haired girl's voice left Himiko, and the door was was quickly swung open. Bakugo was standing there, All Might and Aizawa behind him. Midoriya shifted his grip on the knife and took a couple of steps back into Kurogiri.

"Uraraka!" All Might moved to step forward, Midoriya flipped his mask off as he tilted his head

"Come on now All Might. You're not going to let your precious student get hurt are you?" He hummed, All Might's eyes grew wide

"Lad, when I said you couldn't become a hero.. I didn't mean do this" he said, Midoriya only scoffed

"The Fire really is burning. It's getting kinda hot" Midoriya pressed the knife a little bit deeper into Himiko's skin. He reminded himself that he needed to apologize to her later. "Let's go to the roof. It's a lot more roomier up there" and with that, Kurogiri took them up there. He watched as Bakugo jumped forward, being teleported along with them.
"Deku!" Midoriya was now on the ground, staring up at blue sky and Bakugo. Himiko had transformed back and was standing with her arms crossed as she, Kurogiri, Nomu and Shigaraki waited for All Might to rush up here.

"Kachan, you shoulda stayed home" He whispered, feeling Bakugo's hands grab his shirt.

"Stay home? Fuck no!" Bakugo hissed lightly "I told you, I'm going to save you!" He leaned down slightly and Midorya felt the urge to touch his hair

"We've has this conversation. There's no saving me" his eyes snapped in the direction of the door to the roof being slammed open. Nomu was quick to tackle the number one hero as he ran onto the roof. Explosions sounded and the building gave a small shake. Things were becoming unstable as flames reached up, trying to grab hold of the clouds. "Kachan please, you need to leave." He heard sirens and shouting. More pro heroes were starting to arrive, even the police were already on the scene. So Bakugo has warned the school of their plan. A small smile came to his face, maybe there was a way he could be saved. He pushed Bakugo off him and stood up "But.. I want to be" he threw his arms out, not caring who heard him anymore "I'm tired of this! I don't want to be a villain! I miss everything!" Tears appeared in the corners of his eyes "I miss my mom! I miss dreaming of being a hero! Fuck Kachan! I miss you!"

"Izuku.." Bakugo spoke carefully as he stood up as well "There's still time.. come home.."

"It's too late Kachan"

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