Eighteen (Bakugo P.O.V)

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Bakugo didn't go home that night, he walked back to the school and waited outside of it until morning. His mom sent him some worried and also some very angrily worded text messages, and also a few very angry voice messages, but he didn't really care. He needed to do something, anything that would save his friends in UA and also save the person he loved, so he decided he needed to tell the truth. He scrolled on his phone until the sun rose, and when people started passing him he just ignored their odd looks. He didn't stand up until he say his homeroom teacher Aizawa.

"Bakugo..?" Aizawa looked tired, but that was something that was usual for him. It was unusual to see that Bakugo looked just about as tired as he did. "What are you doing here this early? Have you slept?" Bakugo only shook his head to the question

"Aizawa-Sensei.." Bakugo shifted a bit, looking up "The school needs to be shut down.. the League of Villains.. they're going to attack"

"What..? What do you mean?" Aizawa grabbed ahold of the white haired boy's arm, dragging him into the school building. Students had started to trickle into UA's campus. "Bakugo.. tell me what you know, and where you got this information." And so he did. He spilled everything about what he knew, everything about Midoriya, even what he heard about All Might having a weakness. Aizawa had a dark look cross onto his face, and he dragged Bakugo to the staffroom. He shoved him into the room, and his red eyes widened at what he saw.

"A-All Might deflates!?!" Bakugo let out a surprised gasp, his mouth quickly being covered by scrawny hands.

"Shota!" The deflated balloon that was most definitely All Might spoke quickly. "What do you think you're doing? Classes are about to start and you bring Young Bakugo to see me like this!?"

"Shut up" Aizawa sighed a bit "There's trouble.."
All Might had a troubled look on his face after everything had been explained to him. He quickly understood the weight of the situation "I didn't think that the lad I met that day.. would become a villain.." he said in defeat "And to think.. I had told him my greatest weakness" he shook his head, standing up as he looked to Aizawa.

"It's too late to evacuate the school. Warn the principal and get pro heroes sent here now" All Might said quickly, only for the principal to jump up onto a table

"There's no need. I heard everything the first time that Bakugo explained it to Aizawa" he raised his paw into the air "I've tried to contact the other heroes, but unfortunately there are already so many villain attacks going on that they can only send a few our way. They will try to give us more, but we are going to have to deal with using our staff and the few they give us" the principal sighed

"Wait" Bakugo stood up from where he was sitting "It's already too late" he said quickly, realizing that the smaller villain attacks were there to keep the pro heroes away from UA. Just as he says this, an explosion from the direction of the school gate sounds. And villains swarm into the campus.

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